The Golden Dawn or Thoth Method

Golden Dawn Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Note: Tarot decks that use reversed cards such as the Rider-Waite do not work well with this spread, which was designed to be read using elemental dignity.

The Golden Dawn spread is best suited for use with the bifrost Tarot and especially the Book of Thoth, as these decks are meant to be read a certain way with the court cards. Princes and queens represent actual men and women connected with the matter, while princesses generally represent ideas; thoughts or opinions, and knights represent arrival or departure of a matter depending on the direction faced.

In this tarot spread, particular attention should be paid to a card's exact position in relation to its neighbours. Whether the neighbour cards bear the same energy (suit) determines whether a card is considered well-dignified or ill-dignified. Opposite suits ill-dignify each other, while other suits are considered friendly. Tarot cards of the same suit or element strengthen each other.

As with other tarot spreads, it is important to count the cards' tendencies, such as whether there is a lot of one particular suit or number pattern. The patterns reveal special messages. Having several majors present indicates higher forces at work, several cups suggest strong emotions, etc.

Card #1 represents the reader and the nature of the topic at hand.

Cards #2 & #3 are read in extension of #1 to further comprehend the nature of the topic.

The two sets of three tarot cards at the top of the spread represent chronological sets of events. The current path as it would unfold naturally is represented by cards #4, #8, & #12. The alternate path that could be taken is represented by cards #13, #9, & #5. However, if the reader gets the feeling these cards are telling them they go together, then the alternate path is to be considered an extension of the current path, and to be read chronologically in this order: #4, #8, #12, #13, #9, #5. Just keep in mind: this is only if the two paths seem particularly similar.

Cards #14, #10, & #6 shed light upon the psychological undertones of the current issue.

Cards #7, #11, & #15 represent the influences of karma and destiny beyond the reader's control. These cards suggest adapting to this, as fate.









Your Golden Dawn Reading


The Alternate Path
(or Extension of Current Path)
  Your Current Path

King of Cups

Two of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles
Page of Wands

Knight of Cups

Three of Wands
    The Querent    
Nine of Wands

Knight of Wands                 

Eight of Wands
The Psychological Basis   Karma

XIV – Temperance

XVII – The Star

King of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles

XII – The Hanged Man

VII – The Chariot




The Querent

cards represent the querent and the nature of the topic at hand. The first card (in the center of the spread) represents the very core of the matter, and the other two cards around it are added to it in order to further comprehend the nature of the topic.



Knight of Wands

The knight of Wands indicates too great an emphasis on spiritual matters, thoughtless action, new and unfamiliar actions and feelings. The house cracked so to speak. . .hard to mend damage. . .or an awakening. Spiritual matters are indicated as being overly focused upon. . .or you are experiencing more spirit, adding / growing from your spiritual core rather than from / at the edges. A means of introspection is indicated. Your house is in some form of flux, transition, healing, renewal, awakening.




Nine of Wands

The 9 of Wands indicates that your preparation is complete. This is a pause, a commencement period before the first guests arrive. Sit back and breathe deep. Look into your distance and smile. A wonderful feeling of contentedness may fill your being. Ding-dong. Let the celebration begin!




Eight of Wands

The 8 of Wands indicates a positive change of mind with health, new ideas, goals, projects in the works, love letters, communications. Also indicated is a journey by air travel, by love, or by a love of open spaces. Gardening. Field sports. The indication is that things are 'up in the air' in a positive way, more of an active interest than a wait, a powerful witness watching interestedly to see how things turn out.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.











Your Current Path

cards represent your current path as it would unfold naturally. These cards are read in chronological order from left to right.




Page of Wands

The Page of Wands indicates a powerful rush of excitement offering an adventure or a risk, and news or information that will continue your path with adventure. Indicates the necessity of a change in attitude about your environment as a whole, as your environment may have already changed. The Page of Wands is a young charioteer full of exuberance, creativity, and youthful character. Remember this powerful shift. . .risk TRANSFORMS into scope once you've poured forth into your adventurous path. . . and is consequently no longer risk, but scope. Dig deep!

With genuine interest and consideration at the level of this rush of excitement, risk is no longer a risk, it is your scope, your priorities of direction, attributes of your context that are very present.

Indicated is to move strongly though modestly. This does not preclude bold moves, but does indicate that broad brushstrokes are inappropriate at this time. With industrious efforts you can build a substantial base upon which you may then reach your aim.

Take care with the formwork of your actions. Formwork is stripped away as a foundation cures, and will remain in the strength and clarity of your performance. Formwork is to the foundation as the pond turning over is to the pond. The pond remembers its turning over only in its continued fertility. Fluidly build foundations for your most adventurous path, your dreams. Dig deep.




Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups indicates that things have taken on emotional or intuitive modes. Emotion or intuition will lead the way to your destination.




Three of Wands

The Three of Wands card indicates your new world is in place, and success is implied. As enthusiastically as you made this place for yourself, look to your planning to drive success. Now is a grand time for partnerships in work or career. Travel may be indicated or communications with distant places as you have a good perspective from the new place you've created.




The Alternate Path

cards represent the alternate path that you could choose to take in lieu of the Current Path. However, if the cards that come up seem to indicate that they go along with the Current Path, these three cards should be interpretted not as an Alternate Path, but as a chronological extension of the Current Path (also read from left to right).




King of Cups

The King of Cups indicates that you are a protective figure with abundance and prosperity. Rather than a guide showing the path, you are supportive and protective, a friend and companion on the track of life. Your abilities to inspire in simple conversation shine as those around you sip from the cup of your abundant energy. At this time rather than being half empty or half full, your cup is simply a wonderful place to put a flower. Shine in the joyousness of your milieu. Now is a great time to have a get-together.

Be it small or be it big, flow with those you care about, flow in your context. The cup of your abundant energy indicates you can have a party anywhere you go.




Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles card indicates that you have power in your balance, striving for equality and choosing not to indulge in instant gratification at the expense of your own purpose. Based upon your values, you are responsible in taking on only what you can handle. Choice and negotiation are your assets.

The Two of Pentacles card reversed suggests that it might be tempting to give up in the face of conflict or romantic stagnation, especially if it seems like you're facing a 'catch-22' or a 'lesser of two evils' decision. When it comes to your partner, you may not be on the same wavelength regarding this matter. Be conscious of the two-way street of overcompensation. . .It should work itself out.

While it may be a hassle or a struggle, making an effort to dance the fine line between practical realities and sensual pleasures can put you in position to resolve this issue. Remember that concentrating too much on the positive or negative makes an opening for maliciousness. Be what IS as you balance! Communication, voicing your issue may bring forth balance.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.




Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles indicates the qualities of a practical, down-to-earth woman, whether you are a woman or a man. Enthusiastic. May own a successful business. Always encouraging friends and family to exercise, nourishing by promoting to take care. Some say water conforms to its cup. You know this all too well to the point where you may see no problem with the idea that buying a Steinway piano might make a child Mozart. . .as you know only too well the far-reaching (both inner and outer) merits of a good environment, whether what's obvious is the focus or not.

This queen also indicates that you may even cherish a vehicle, or simply a well-designed dashboard in a convertible as important if you drive a bunch. Simply put, if it's going to be in your presence, it should at the very least be attractive, distinct, as exquisite to you is staple, required. The usefulness of beauty as being positive to your environment is understood.

Exquisite fetches wood and carries water, stokes the fire, exudes presence with a strong grace. These are qualities through and through, specifically and in general.

Even in silence, tasteful enthusiasm is indicated. Tasteful is a great word for you here.











The Psychological Basis

cards shed light upon the psychological undertones of the current problem.




XIV – Temperance

Temperance indicates seeming impossible opposites mixing and working together. See the man and beast joined in the centaur is a uniquely complete being. See a bow and arrow. One is moving, one stationary. Feel the mixing of things working together to point your way.

A strong sequence is indicated where... unity incorporates into your identity, your identity transforms to point the direction, and your direction transforms to support you with agile balance. The elements of your actions are powerfully expansive and pulsing. Striking a balance is indicated. Take everything in moderation at this time... including moderation. Moderation may simply be a well-balanced and harmonious blending appropriate to the time.

Enjoy this strong time, where your biggest ideas and dreams and your daily grind and rush-rush activities may feel just right together! * A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasize rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.




XVII – The Star

The Star indicates continually finding your cosmic groove and going for it! Eternal hope in the diamond-like seat of your mind-body-beautiful is indicated to be sparkling brightly! The Star card indicates the immutable and vibrant presence of your memories, your hope, and your knowledge.

The Star encourages you to shift your focus and re-direct your scale without moving the gaze upon your focus. Even the smallest star provides a glimmer of hope.

This is a bright time for feeling your possibilities expanding!

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.



King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles indicates the Master Builder, building concrete and psychic structures together. Everything built here stands the test of time as it is living of its own accord and rooted strongly. There is an uncompromising quality with clean lines spare of ornament. This is not the domain of the glorious, but of grand simplicity with strength and wit and directness of gesture. In regard to an architecture of clean lines spare of ornament visualise the human body.

This is the card of strong foundations already built under your dreams. Proper reinforcement and formwork is not a requirement, was the norm, and all exceeds expectations. Formwork was sloughed off as forgotten memory, afterbirth. Reinforcement enhances and strengthens the structure, and is embedded. Quick fixes make for shallow roots. This is the card of developed roots and healthy and prominent accomplishments.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.





These cards represent the influences of karma and destiny that are beyond your control. They suggest adapting to this fate.




Five of Pentacles

The 5 of Pentacles indicates emotional, physical, material and /or spiritual crises that manifest as loss and lack on the physical plane. Look within. Determine what must be changed to improve your situation. Healing the inside. Weed. Amend your soil. Forgiveness of yourself, others. Transform negative thought patterns while not feeling sorry for yourself, not being a separatist, or blind to the blessings all around. Anger is a fabulous reminder that there are still some things misunderstood, and if you're mad at yourself, change gears with a nap, a warm bath, or meditation. Feel the hope and bright warmth hiding in oppressive circumstances.

Creatively using oppressive circumstances, rise above your own limitations. Recognise your own appreciation. . .Drop the things that are expected but unnecessary and you get more valuable all the time!

Beware of daydreams that substitute patterns that keep you from manifesting your dreams. Think self-limitation, your soul becoming more conscious, isolation for the purpose of gathering strength and gaining focus to develop your own uniqueness. Shamanic work is also indicated. Simply value your life. . .and do not act on reactive impulses. As soon as you decide, then take at least ONE more step. It may feel like rock bottom, but perspective can also place that as something strong on which to stand. Look for the glow!




XII – The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man indicates you may be afloat in clarity with your spirituality and dreams and psychic abilities being wholly present. Ever peaceful, never suffering. Suspension, not life or death, is indicated.

The Hanged Man indicates to stop resisting and make yourself vulnerable to the positive things, and in doing so glimpse illumination. An insight so deep is indicated that, even if but for a moment, nothing but that insight will feel to exist. And, as timeless as that moment seems, there is also an acute awareness of its temporary nature. Remember this time as you may never see things quite the same.

Note your insights at this time, however great or small they are. You may feel forever changed by them, and by the memory of their presence.




VII – The Chariot

The Chariot indicates you are bringing powerfully diverse, internal forces into harmony. Indicates agility at speed in your process. Take note of your strategies as chariots typically engage from the side rather than head on. Look to the powerful forces in your life to feel where strain needs to be tuned back in to balance. The embodiment of stand-alone, self-nourishing connections is indicated in the agility of your actions. Shift and corner! This is a great time to feel the agility of your responsiveness! * A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.