Decision Spread

Decision Spread



Difficulty: Easy

This simple but highly useful spread calls for a question to be asked in this format:

'What happens if I do (X), and what happens if I do not do (X)?'

Please note that it should not be viewed as a decision between two different options, but about whether a single option should be exercised or not. A second option would call for a separate reading.

Card #7 is the significator, the overall theme of the query.

Cards #3, #1, & #5 represent the chronological sequence of events that occurs if the reader chooses to do (X).

Cards #4, #2, & #6 represent the chronological sequence of events that unfolds if the reader chooses not to do (X).









Your Decision Reading

The Significator

Ace of Wands
Outcome if you do it:

Three of Pentacles

Two of Cups

Knight of Pentacles
Outcome if you don't do it:

Queen of Cups

Six of Wands

King of Swords





Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands indicates new life, place-making, as with setting the sacred staff, the omphalos, locating a building, a space, a place. Courage is indicated in the act of placement, creativity in the placement itself, and enthusiasm in the impending energy of place being made.




Outcome if you do it:



Three of Pentacles

The 3 of pentacles indicates your Industry, hard work, and talent paying off as you work on some sort of project utilising all the aspects of yourself – Mind, Body, Spirit. A project or idea that has greater significance than you realise.

Use creativity to discover what you should be doing with your life, or to enhance and reinforce what you already ARE doing. A project done with careful planning and joy that has the potential to touch lives and leave a lasting impression. HECK!!! Downshift and enjoy the turns, BABY! Drive your thang as you make smiles!

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.





Two of Cups

The 2 of Cups indicates love, friendship, healing, contentment, satisfying relationships, harmony, and cooperation. Two joined are more than just two ones. Distinction made between joined / united versus union. Two identities feeling mutual respect, powerful witness, and participation with one another. With attraction present your heart's desire, feelings, and expressions trump being right.





Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles indicates making earthbound goals come into being. Consistently and steadily applying their highest aspects. Related to the Hierophant as a more mundane, every day devotion, one may call to their mate as they shuffle through the leaves in the forest, may work diligently but more so fully in feeling their task AS the meaning. This is the card of the joy of getting �lost� on a walk or run, in / on a kayak in the middle of a bay or the ocean. . . lost while traveling intently, conscious only of your traveling, exploration. Loss as freedom rather than deficient.

This is not necessarily a card about being physical per se, but of being present in one's body in context. This feeling of being lost, or of stillness. . .this is the loss where one is fully present, a meditation where reasons have wonderfully gone missing. Reason is lost. This is the card indicating a full mind-body-beautiful presence with the justice of strength simply present. Imagine your own tiger cubs frolic-stumble-rolling over your paws. . . and your secret glance and smile. This is the card of the youthful silverback.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.











Outcome if you do not do it:



Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups indicates harmony with your emotional and intuitive realm. Relying on inner guidance, one's perspective is well-suited to respond to external influences from a flowing inner perspective that is thick and rich. Take charge in matters regarding your inner life. Your emotions draw upon the wisdom of the ages. Imagination. Creative. Loving. Supportive.

Odds are you are very impressionable at this time. In the positive this indicates a strong feeling-sense, and ability to be sensitively and effectively responsive. As still waters run deep, there are hidden depths not readily apparent.

The Queen of Cups indicates naturally charismatic leadership, an ability to express your emotions confidently at this time.





Six of Wands

The 6 of Wands indicates receiving victory and glory, where through teamwork obstacles will be overcome.





King of Swords

The King of Swords indicates discrimination, clarity of perception. Logical and fair you do not allow emotions to interfere with your ability to bring beliefs and sometimes very innovative ideas to fruition. At this time utilise the ability to carefully weigh all angles of a situation in order to make a fair decision that befits all involved. Benefit.

There is indicated a tendency to be emotionally detached, sometimes making those around you feel intellectually inferior. Be mindful and mindless as to misusing your cerebral abilities. Avoid cunning and outsmarting with cleverness in regards to yourself and others. Feel it all. Do not be the know-it-all. Feel more than you listen. Your clarity goes beyond the words you speak.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.