Ankh Spread

Ankh Spread



Difficulty: Kind of tough

The Ankh Spread is for questions about the causes behind trends. It is similar to the Celtic Cross and Secret of the High Priestess spreads, but it covers the reasons behind the circumstances in question differently, perhaps giving a better explanation of why things are the way they are.

The loop of the upper section of the ankh reveals the spiritual background and causes of the situation, while the stem of the base focuses on prospects for the outcome.

The first two tarot cards represent the two parent causes of the situation. They will either complement each other or show two opposing sides of a conflict, depending on how they relate. These are the significator cards of the Ankh spread.

3. This tarot card shines light upon the early causes of the trend in question.

4. Pinpoints the causes that triggered the current situation.

5. Reveals the spiritual perspective of the subject at hand.

6. This card examines the reasons why this course of action had to unfold, as a means to this end.

At this point, it is good to pause to soak in the meaning of the first six cards before moving forward to the last three cards. The last three reveal prospects for the future.

7. The Next Step gives clues about the immediate future.

8. Surprising Experiences encountered en route to the result.

9. This represents the result.









Your Ankh Reading

Early Causes Higher Perceptions

Ten of Pentacles
Triggering Causes

Knight of Pentacles
Necessary Conclusions

Two of Wands
Significator #1

Nine of Cups
Significator #2

III – The Empress
Next Step

Knight of Cups

Two of Cups
  Surprising Experiences

Queen of Wands

Four of Wands





Significator #1

III – The Empress

The Empress indicates you carrying your ideas and projects to full term, abundantly bringing them to fruition. Feel the stability in the depth of your character as you orchestrate the crucial last gestures and finishing touches.

This is a wonderful time to fully bring things to life!

A creative or physical birth of some kind is indicated.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.






Significator #2

Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups indicates that things have taken on emotional or intuitive modes. Emotion or intuition will lead the way to your destination.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.






Early Causes

Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles indicates making earthbound goals come into being. Consistently and steadily applying their highest aspects. Related to the Hierophant as a more mundane, every day devotion, one may call to their mate as they shuffle through the leaves in the forest, may work diligently but more so fully in feeling their task AS the meaning. This is the card of the joy of getting �lost� on a walk or run, in / on a kayak in the middle of a bay or the ocean. . . lost while traveling intently, conscious only of your traveling, exploration. Loss as freedom rather than deficient.

This is not necessarily a card about being physical per se, but of being present in one's body in context. This feeling of being lost, or of stillness. . .this is the loss where one is fully present, a meditation where reasons have wonderfully gone missing. Reason is lost. This is the card indicating a full mind-body-beautiful presence with the justice of strength simply present. Imagine your own tiger cubs frolic-stumble-rolling over your paws. . . and your secret glance and smile. This is the card of the youthful silverback.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.






Triggering Causes

Two of Wands

The 2 of Wands card indicates a warning of potential disaster by overload and imbalance. Do not blindly go. Look for your natural path. Do not perceive many little things as one big thing. It is often one reflected through all. You may be daydreaming, hoping in vain, perceiving your preconceptions or fixations. Listen. Wait. Be on the move like The Hermit.

Also indicated that reflections can be delusions, mirages. Reflect through them, past them and look for what feels to be your natural path, and / or simply your natural path of action.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.













Higher Perceptions

Ten of Pentacles

The 10 of Pentacles indicates prosperity, close relationships, inheritance. Practical stability and the tangible material physical world are signified by the Pentacle symbol, but the true meaning of this card is found intuitively each time it appears in the context of the reading. Meld close relationships, prosperity, and inheritance in context to tenor the overall reading.

Also indicated is to appreciate ties and enrichment. Sometimes a surprise inheritance is something you were born with.






Necessary Conclusions

Nine of Cups

The 9 of Cups indicates the manifestation of happiness that starts within the mind and emotions of an individual and how they are carried forth into the world. Inner happiness moving into the physical realm is indicated, your own, personalised Hierophant abilities. Take wonderfully respectful and invigorated note of your blossoms and blooms. Celebrate them!






The Next Step

Two of Cups

The 2 of Cups indicates love, friendship, healing, contentment, satisfying relationships, harmony, and cooperation. Two joined are more than just two ones. Distinction made between joined / united versus union. Two identities feeling mutual respect, powerful witness, and participation with one another. With attraction present your heart's desire, feelings, and expressions trump being right.







Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands indicates great power to attract what you want. Abundance of mind and body, a fire of life, expresses her. With a love of nature and home indicated, a practicality with money is also present. A life acumen inclusive of a strong and intensely enjoyable balance of business and pleasure reigns. This complete scenario, a vibrant and reflective mind-body-beautiful, has strong and wonderful emotional content to infuse life into every step.

There is strength in kindness and generosity. With the Queen of Wands, you are no sleeping tiger. More so you are a white tiger, awake and present and strong to the degree that there is nothing to prove, and though nothing may be new, you feel and see the original in everything. Your sense of smell may even attune your perception. Reasons are unreasonable here.

Visualise and feel the tiger's life. . .towing your life with the weight of your own body, grace and strength and passion are present and not petitioned. Rather than living your dream, your dream is the heartbeat of all your doings.






The Outcome

Four of Wands

The Four of Wands indicates the joy of coming together for a purpose and the growth and happiness that can result. A surprise or thrill out of the blue may be in store for you. You may meet someone unexpectedly. Planned celebrations or the freedom of building something together with someone are also indicated. Build it together and you will reap abundance.

Reversed you may find an obstacle blocking you from happiness. A surprise may bring both happiness and sorrow or dissatisfaction. Look to the surprise for its surprise, and amend your soil with the newness alone, letting the sorrow and dissatisfaction fall away at most as compost, more probably as chaff.