Horse Shoe Spread

Horse Shoe Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

The Horse Shoe is a classic tarot spread. It is more advanced than the three-card reading, yet simpler than most other spreads. It is a versatile method that can be used for most queries, though there are other spreads which would go into more depth. Like the simple Past, Present, and Future spread, it contains these cards in positions #1, #2, and #7, but also has four other tarot cards that help the reader understand how to deal with the future better. The cards are to be read as follows:

  1. The Past: Past events affecting the question.
  2. The Present: The current state or approaching influence.
  3. Hidden Influences: Things the reader may not be aware of (or barely be aware of).
  4. Obstacles: This is the challenge: obstacles may be avoided or may have to be dealt with.
  5. External Influences: Attitudes and thoughts regarding people around the reader.
  6. Suggestions: Recommended course of action.
  7. Outcome: The result of following the suggestions.









Your Horse Shoe Reading


XVII – The Star
Hidden Influences

XI – Strength
  External Influences

III – The Empress
The Present

I – The Magician

II – The High Priestess
The Past

XVIII – The Moon
  The Outcome

V – The Hierophant





The Past Card represents past events that are affecting the question.


XVIII – The Moon

The Moon indicates inner connections so intense that they transcend space. Your intense intuition can seamlessly join a variety of unseen forces in harmony as they are reflected inside you. Creative connections with seemingly impossible things can also be indicated.

The moon's reflection on a watery path can be disorienting OR a fascinatingly beautiful and mesmerising image to behold. The Moon indicates to feel your actions. Planning is for another time. Your planning may have placed you right where you are now. Move with only your natural movements in mind. There can be a kind of magnetism in this reflection.

Believing and knowing are not enough at this time. It is indicated to trust your intuition.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.





The Present Card represents the current state or immediately approaching influence.


I – The Magician

The Magician indicates the house of your creativity. You are receiving those first sparks, the first inklings of your inspiration. Your insight is flashing in a pure vessel. Visualise your first exciting strokes across a blank page! You have both an intense focus and a vibrant enthusiasm available to you at this time.

Now is a great time to begin something new!





Hidden Influences - Things that you may not be aware of, or barely be aware of.


XI – Strength

Strength indicates mastering self-control and taming fears or impulses. Feel infinite fortitude and self-restraint while incorporating your voice at this time. Visualize a sprinter sitting, a tiger napping. Strength is not indicated to tame your beast, but to harness your voice. A simple way is indicated. A simple gesture will establish your direction as your strength is naturally present. Anything more than necessary may cause decay.

Understand you are very powerful at this time. Be mindful of others as you are playing with more power than you may know. Step as only you need at this time.

Develop an understanding that the strength of your presence is felt without threat, backlash, or skepticism.












Obstacle - This is the challenge.


XVII – The Star

The Star indicates continually finding your cosmic groove and going for it! Eternal hope in the diamond-like seat of your mind-body-beautiful is indicated to be sparkling brightly! The Star card indicates the immutable and vibrant presence of your memories, your hope, and your knowledge.

The Star encourages you to shift your focus and re-direct your scale without moving the gaze upon your focus. Even the smallest star provides a glimmer of hope.

This is a bright time for feeling your possibilities expanding!

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.





External Influences - Attitudes about this situation from people around the querent.


III – The Empress

The Empress indicates you carrying your ideas and projects to full term, abundantly bringing them to fruition. Feel the stability in the depth of your character as you orchestrate the crucial last gestures and finishing touches.

This is a wonderful time to fully bring things to life!

A creative or physical birth of some kind is indicated.





Suggestion - The recommended course of action.


II – The High Priestess

The High Priestess indicates inner illumination, you giving form to the formless, developing your creative conceptions with hidden influences actively at work. You may feel an unrevealed future as you put things together intuitively. Look into the night sky. The moon may resonate more with you at this time. Feel through tricksters like knowing the moon does not have its own light, but reflects in its own, powerful way.

Now is a powerful time to forge ahead with your projects, things you are working on.





The Outcome - What will happen if the suggestion is followed.


V – The Hierophant

The Hierophant indicates infusing you, your mind-body-beautiful, with the divine, bringing your dreams clearly down to earth. Your spirit is radiating. Bring your dreams to reality from within you!

This time is well-suited for enhancing meaningful things in your life.

* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.