The Golden Dawn or Thoth Method
Difficulty: Complicated
Note: Tarot decks that use reversed cards such as the Rider-Waite do not work well with this spread, which was designed to be read using elemental dignity.
The Golden Dawn spread is best suited for use with the bifrost Tarot and especially the Book of Thoth, as these decks are meant to be read a certain way with the court cards. Princes and queens represent actual men and women connected with the matter, while princesses generally represent ideas; thoughts or opinions, and knights represent arrival or departure of a matter depending on the direction faced.
In this tarot spread, particular attention should be paid to a card's exact position in relation to its neighbours. Whether the neighbour cards bear the same energy (suit) determines whether a card is considered well-dignified or ill-dignified. Opposite suits ill-dignify each other, while other suits are considered friendly. Tarot cards of the same suit or element strengthen each other.
As with other tarot spreads, it is important to count the cards' tendencies, such as whether there is a lot of one particular suit or number pattern. The patterns reveal special messages. Having several majors present indicates higher forces at work, several cups suggest strong emotions, etc.
Card #1 represents the reader and the nature of the topic at hand.
Cards #2 & #3 are read in extension of #1 to further comprehend the nature of the topic.
The two sets of three tarot cards at the top of the spread represent chronological sets of events. The current path as it would unfold naturally is represented by cards #4, #8, & #12. The alternate path that could be taken is represented by cards #13, #9, & #5. However, if the reader gets the feeling these cards are telling them they go together, then the alternate path is to be considered an extension of the current path, and to be read chronologically in this order: #4, #8, #12, #13, #9, #5. Just keep in mind: this is only if the two paths seem particularly similar.
Cards #14, #10, & #6 shed light upon the psychological undertones of the current issue.
Cards #7, #11, & #15 represent the influences of karma and destiny beyond the reader's control. These cards suggest adapting to this, as fate.
Your Golden Dawn Reading
The Alternate Path (or Extension of Current Path) |
Your Current Path |
![]() XVI – The Tower |
![]() X – The Wheel of Fortune |
![]() I – The Magician |
![]() VIII – Justice |
![]() IX – The Hermit |
![]() V – The Hierophant |
The Querent | ||||||
![]() XI – Strength |
![]() III – The Empress |
![]() XXI – The World |
The Psychological Basis | Karma | |||||
![]() XIII – Death |
![]() II – The High Priestess |
![]() XV – The Devil |
![]() XX – Judgement |
![]() XVIII – The Moon |
![]() VI – The Lovers |
The Querent
cards represent the querent and the nature of the topic at hand. The first card (in the center of the spread) represents the very core of the matter, and the other two cards around it are added to it in order to further comprehend the nature of the topic.
The Empress indicates you carrying your ideas and projects to full term, abundantly bringing them to fruition. Feel the stability in the depth of your character as you orchestrate the crucial last gestures and finishing touches.
This is a wonderful time to fully bring things to life!
A creative or physical birth of some kind is indicated.
Strength indicates mastering self-control and taming fears or impulses. Feel infinite fortitude and self-restraint while incorporating your voice at this time. Visualize a sprinter sitting, a tiger napping. Strength is not indicated to tame your beast, but to harness your voice. A simple way is indicated. A simple gesture will establish your direction as your strength is naturally present. Anything more than necessary may cause decay.
Understand you are very powerful at this time. Be mindful of others as you are playing with more power than you may know. Step as only you need at this time.
Develop an understanding that the strength of your presence is felt without threat, backlash, or skepticism. * A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasize rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.
The World indicates that you are right back where you started and the journey is complete. A complete cycle is indicated. Look to new dreams, bigger ones. See the world IN The World card! View up through the looking glass of the obelisk from its base as if you are inside the obelisk looking up. See the point of its top right in front of you. Visualise the vanishing point of the top as a portal to infinity. Step smoothly through the doorway of your next iteration remembering this one.
The World indicates a powerful completion! Indicates a powerful completion cycle in The Fool's journey, YOUR journey!
Enjoy this time as you seamlessly segue into the next.
Your Current Path
cards represent your current path as it would unfold naturally. These cards are read in chronological order from left to right.
Justice indicates that your life is coming back into balance with a strong sense of fairness. This fairness indicates not to concentrate so much on right and wrong. Odds are you are a good person. Consequences and outcomes are more important at this time. Suggested to work to be considerate rather than being agreeable at this time. Consideration is a fitting use of the energies of Justice. Be mindful of yourself as you are, and mindful of others as they are. Your life decisions and the fabric of your unfolding patterns is indicated to be informed by your inner scale of weights and measures. * A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.
The Hermit indicates inner activity and the clarity you see in the mysteries and seeming lack of form in darkness, indicates walking the cloister of your mind. You may be acutely aware of cycles of experience completed at this time. Identify them clearly and meditate on them from within. Be inwardly active. Others may not see what you see or feel what you feel. The Hermit is not stationary. Do not maintain or hold static perspectives. Now is a poignant time to sense YOUR perspective, and believe what you feel.
The Hierophant indicates infusing you, your mind-body-beautiful, with the divine, bringing your dreams clearly down to earth. Your spirit is radiating. Bring your dreams to reality from within you!
This time is well-suited for enhancing meaningful things in your life.
The Alternate Path
cards represent the alternate path that you could choose to take in lieu of the Current Path. However, if the cards that come up seem to indicate that they go along with the Current Path, these three cards should be interpretted not as an Alternate Path, but as a chronological extension of the Current Path (also read from left to right).
The Tower indicates your pond turning over, a major change. Resistance to change has already been torn down and renewal is at hand. It is indicated that the smoke is clearing on this your new playing field! False structures and beliefs are dramatically tumbling down! Tumbling down suddenly, violently, and all at once.
Grief may be present but be mindful not to re-hydrate old fears as they fall of their own accord. Breathe in the change. Enjoy and take in what remains first. You may have just dismissed single-mindedness!
No-one said this one's gonna be easy, but smile. This is you. . .only NEW!
* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.
The Wheel Of Fortune indicates big things. Luck, change, and fortune. Abundance, prosperity, and happiness. Is there a dollar on the sidewalk? The Wheel indicates change in a manner that almost always brings joy along with it. Place yourself where you want to be and flow naturally without force. . .such as. . .as you do your work, think only of the doing of your work and lose yourself in it for a bit mindfully. Reasons have gone wonderfully missing here. This is a time of being comfortable with the not-knowing. Stay aware and enjoy things simply happening as they do. * A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.
The Magician indicates the house of your creativity. You are receiving those first sparks, the first inklings of your inspiration. Your insight is flashing in a pure vessel. Visualise your first exciting strokes across a blank page! You have both an intense focus and a vibrant enthusiasm available to you at this time.
Now is a great time to begin something new!
* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.
The Psychological Basis
cards shed light upon the psychological undertones of the current problem.
Death indicates transformation. It is indicated to sacrifice unnecessary preconceptions you hold. The old you is evolving. A Phoenix is rising as a birth's introduction. Visualize a winter garden where things are resting for renewal. Patience is in fact a virtue of the Death card. Your perennial ideas and actions may naturalize to come back in different places more vibrantly.
If you are distressed at this time, mind your timing and placement. Do not trample on the new things in your life that appear small. Renewal and awakening may begin subtly. More is present than meets the eye.
Haste is not indicated. Slow your pace to be patiently present. * A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasize rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.
The High Priestess indicates inner illumination, you giving form to the formless, developing your creative conceptions with hidden influences actively at work. You may feel an unrevealed future as you put things together intuitively. Look into the night sky. The moon may resonate more with you at this time. Feel through tricksters like knowing the moon does not have its own light, but reflects in its own, powerful way.
Now is a powerful time to forge ahead with your projects, things you are working on.
* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.
The Devil indicates earthly desires rising in you. Mind that such feelings are nothing to fear, be ashamed of, or avoid so long as you are compassionate with yourself. Inhibitions can enslave as easily as excesses.
It is indicated that your expectations can be blind spots OR magical and invisible connections between things. It is also indicated to be mindful of your intensities. Your tethers are loose at this time. Don't let your intensities take you by surprise as you use the greater mobility.
Earthly desires can light you up and inspire you and make you feel great! Unrequited anything may be hurtful. Abolish your toxins of fear and you may very well feel the purity of your desires. Ambitions you have may be frightening and dangerous, but feel how they can be less frightening and dangerous than the subtle decay present if your hands are idle.
This is a strong time to start learning how it feels to be honest and alive inside and out!
These cards represent the influences of karma and destiny that are beyond your control. They suggest adapting to this fate.
Judgment indicates a weightlessness of memory in mind that exacts a heavy toll or provides one with a breadth of self-born experience. It is indicated to not dig in your dirt at this time in respect for your own dead. In respectful remembrance forget them to sprouting and flowering naturally as you simply amend your soil.
It is indicated that you alone carry your memories into the present, no more at the mercy of your past, than you are of old photo albums. Take more pictures! Judgment indicates the respectful remembrance of perennials poking their noses up in newly amended soil.
Now is indicated to be a time where the cycles of your memories will flourish.
* A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.
The Moon indicates inner connections so intense that they transcend space. Your intense intuition can seamlessly join a variety of unseen forces in harmony as they are reflected inside you. Creative connections with seemingly impossible things can also be indicated.
The moon's reflection on a watery path can be disorienting OR a fascinatingly beautiful and mesmerising image to behold. The Moon indicates to feel your actions. Planning is for another time. Your planning may have placed you right where you are now. Move with only your natural movements in mind. There can be a kind of magnetism in this reflection.
Believing and knowing are not enough at this time. It is indicated to trust your intuition.
The Lovers indicate vibrant joineries embedded in a mutual harmony. Indicates a coming together of lovers, of ideas, of energies. Feel the vibrancy of your confidence and purpose. Feel your wholehearted respect in powerful witness with your love. There is vitality at every scale for you at this time! Now is a grand time for enhancing and strengthening partnerships in your personal and business realms. * A manner of reading a reversal is to emphasise rather than a reversed meaning, an internal meaning relating more to one's inner self than indicating the outer world. Read the card with your inner context, what it says to you about your inner person.