The Love Triangle Spread

The Love Triangle Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Casually referred to as the Love Triangle, this spread can be used to determine the dynamics of the relationship between three people, regardless of whether romance is involved. This spread is arranged in the form of a hexagram, consisting of several large and small triangles. This tarot spread may seem somewhat complicated, but it is not entirely that difficult.

The first step is to interpret the card for each individual position in the spread. Generally, one might ask about a relationship they are involved in, but this does not have to be the case. Ordinarily, the reader's representative card is #1, their main person of interest is #2, and the other person would be #3.

The second step fills in the downward triangle and involves further examination of the individuals through their views of the other people. Each person has two more cards showing the way they see and relate to the other members of the triangle. For example, Card #6 indicates how Person #3 relates to Person #1, while Card #9 stands for Person #1's attitude toward Person #3.

The next step completes the upward triangle and the hexagram, focusing on cards #10–13. It also completes the many smaller triangles and hints at the potential for each relationship. The final card, #13 can be considered the significator of the reading, which suggests the overall potential for this three-way relationship.









Your Love Triangle Reading


P#3   3to2 2+3
2to3   P#2
3to1 Overall 2to1
1+3 1to3 1to2 1+2




1: Person #1

Five of Wands

Finding a way to make a chaotic situation be productive instead. Rising above the chaos and turmoil around you. 'You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs'. Complications or problems in your life can be overcome with some effort. The end of struggles. You are being held back by your conflicted feelings about something.




2: Person #2

XX – Judgement

A lack of common sense. A hasty or ill-considered decision that brings an unwelcome change to your life. Clinging to the confines of conventional thinking. A reluctance to move forward with your life. Holding on to a grudge.




3: Person #3

Nine of Swords

Realisation that fears were blown out of proportion. Things are turning out to be not as bad as expected. Regaining hope or peace of mind. Finding or having someone to comfort you or to help you through difficult times.










4: Person #1's view of #2

Four of Coins

Someone who is miserly, possessive, or overly cautious with his / her resources – a 'Scrooge'. Spending money unwisely or having problems saving money. Financial and material concerns are important at this time.




5: Person #2's view of #3

Eight of Cups

The inability to recognise how unhealthy the current situation is or an unwillingness to leave it. Sensing that something is missing in your life, but not knowing what. Experiencing regrets about making a change in your life. Settling for the status quo. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.




6: Person #3's view of #1

XV – The Devil

Materialism or superficiality. Negative thinking. A dysfunctional relationship. Being self-destructive or caught in a bad situation of your own making through vices such as greed, addictions, or hubris. Giving in to temptation. Feeling like you're going through Hell. Egotistical power struggles. Dealing with someone you think is evil, although s/he may be merely exhibiting shortcomings that you have but don't want to face in yourself.




7: Person #2's view of #1

XIX – The Sun

Enjoying or celebrating success. Having energy and vitality, being optimistic and active. Triumph over obstacles. Recognition for work done. Trusting others and experiencing a sense of unity. Coming out of a dark period. Critical reasoning leads to clarity and understanding.




8: Person #3's view of #2

Youth of Wands

Someone who is friendly, boisterous, enthusiastic, and often mischievous. Entering into an undertaking with eagerness and daring. Beginners' luck. An initiation. Enthusiasm that inspires creative solutions. Someone who brings good news or reinvigorates a situation with youthful energy. The start of something big.




9: Person #1's view of #3

King of Coins

A miser or someone who ignores issues of poverty and deprivation in others. A warning about being motivated by greed. Materialism is the root problem. Cheating others out of what is rightfully theirs. Being inflexible, stubborn, or set in your ways.










10: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #2

V – The Hierophant

Taking a non-conformist or unconventional approach. Blindly following someone else's advice. Being closed-minded. Someone who is obsessive compulsive or does doing everything by the book. Being sacrilegious or irreligious.




11: Overall relationship between persons #2 and #3

IX – The Hermit

Someone has been too withdrawn, antisocial, or introverted and would benefit from the company of others. Loneliness or aloofness. Isolation from people who might provide help or useful guidance. Feeling ostracised, left out.



12: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #3

Six of Swords

An inability to move beyond the current situation, or feeling stuck in that situation. A long, difficult road lies ahead to turn your life around. Living 'a life of quiet desperation'. Trying to escape a problem instead of resolve it.




13: Overall 3-way Relationship

II – The Priestess

Try to listen more to the voice inside your heart. Not being able to express insights to others; your advice will be ignored or misunderstood. Beware of allowing your emotions to influence your decisions or actions. Someone is being secretive. Coldness, Detachment.