Decision Spread
Difficulty: Easy
This simple but highly useful spread calls for a question to be asked in this format:
'What happens if I do (X), and what happens if I do not do (X)?'
Please note that it should not be viewed as a decision between two different options, but about whether a single option should be exercised or not. A second option would call for a separate reading.
Card #7 is the significator, the overall theme of the query.
Cards #3, #1, & #5 represent the chronological sequence of events that occurs if the reader chooses to do (X).
Cards #4, #2, & #6 represent the chronological sequence of events that unfolds if the reader chooses not to do (X).
Your Decision Reading
The Significator Two of Wands |
Outcome if you do it: | ||
Six of Swords |
Four of Coins |
Youth of Swords |
Outcome if you don't do it: | |||
XV – The Devil |
Six of Coins |
Four of Cups |
Two of Wands
An enterprise is faltering due to infighting. An intractable conflict where neither side is willing to budge an inch. An unfair fight. The need to achieve self-mastery before you can gain the upper hand in a conflict.
Outcome if you do it:
Six of Swords
An inability to move beyond the current situation, or feeling stuck in that situation. A long, difficult road lies ahead to turn your life around. Living 'a life of quiet desperation'. Trying to escape a problem instead of resolve it.
Four of Coins
Someone who is miserly, possessive, or overly cautious with his / her resources – a 'Scrooge'. Spending money unwisely or having problems saving money. Financial and material concerns are important at this time.
Youth of Swords
An open minded approach. Someone who speaks plainly and with simple honesty; innocent sincerity wins the day. Simple answers are sometimes the best. Learning from your mistakes. A need to just tell it like it is.
Outcome if you do not do it:
XV – The Devil
'Facing your demons'. Overcoming an addiction. Pushing past obsessions and working to limit the number of toxic situations and friendships in your life. Getting help for your problems with addictions, anger management issues, etc. Resisting temptation. 'Better the devil you know than the devil you don't'.
Six of Coins
A gift or loan is forthcoming. Generosity or the repayment of it. Debts repaid. Gratitude and appreciation for the generosity of others. Sharing the wealth. Requests for money or assistance will probably be granted.
Four of Cups
Inability to recognise the good in a relationship or a situation. Feeling depressed, bored, or apathetic about something. Experiencing melancholy. Trying to escape problems through empty pleasures. Being jaded. The novelty of a new situation has worn off and it now seems mundane and boring.