Relationship Spread #2
Difficulty: Easy
This relationship spread focuses more on the common ground of the relationship, with three cards in the middle column showing the common ground. The middle column essentially displays the past, present, and future of the relationship.
Card #4 stands for the common base of the relationship, which may be thought of as the past events which have shaped their characters, bringing them together. The current connection that binds them together is Card #3, indicating the values shared. Card #7 implies the common goals that would keep the pair together moving into the future.
The columns on either side show what each partner brings to the table. Remember, relationships need not be romantic, and the partners could even be groups rather than individuals. In this layout, the other person is on the left-hand side and the reader on the right.
Cards #1 & #2 indicate the separate personalities of each member of the relationship. These cards form a sort of bridge with the cards beneath them, #5 & #6, which show the qualities that each partner offers the other person, and thus to the relationship as a whole.
Your Relationship #2 Reading
Mutual Goals |
Your Qualities |
Connection (Present) |
Others' Qualities |
What You Bring |
Common Base (Past) |
What They Bring |
7: Mutual Goals
VII – The Chariot
Feeling pulled in several directions at once. Feeling a loss of control in your life. An inability to properly master outside influences. Charging ahead rashly. Running roughshod over other people. Losing yourself in the role you have to play in order to succeed. Failure or a very costly victory.
3: Connection
XV – The Devil
'Facing your demons'. Overcoming an addiction. Pushing past obsessions and working to limit the number of toxic situations and friendships in your life. Getting help for your problems with addictions, anger management issues, etc. Resisting temptation. 'Better the devil you know than the devil you don't'.
4: Common Base
XX – Judgement
Renewal, regeneration, and (metaphorical) rebirth. Hearing a calling; experiencing an epiphany. Exhibiting good judgment. Thinking 'outside the box'. Forgiving someone who has wronged you. Opening a new chapter in life or passing a significant milestone.
2: Your Qualities
XI – Justice
Lack of self-discipline is creating problems. Being a bully or feeling bullied by others. Being overbearing or bossy. Lacking integrity and moral fortitude. Yielding to base instincts such as greed and jealousy. Seeing the worst in others.
1: Their Qualities
IX – The Hermit
Pulling back in order to gain space to think things through. Taking the time necessary to review a situation on your own or with the help of a disinterested third party. Renunciation of material claims or desires. Embracing simplicity. 'Money can't buy you happiness'. An unorthodox teacher (a 'guru') has much to teach you.
6: What You Bring
VIII – Strength
5: What They Bring
XIV – Temperance
Making necessary adjustments in your life; finding serenity and healing. A balanced perspective or approach. Compromising or cooperating to achieve objectives. Being patient or forgiving with someone. Finding growth opportunities in your hardships will make you stronger and more resilient. A 'wounded healer', i.e., someone who can help others due to having suffered similar problems or wounds.