Secret of the High Priestess Spread

Secret of the High Priestess



Difficulty: Average

This spread makes a nice alternative to the Celtic Cross, which covers basically the same ground. It is useful when a question doesn't quite call for the Ankh spread. This tarot spread is helpful for looking into a current trend. The High Priestess may or may not present a mysterious secret to be analysed after the rest of the spread.

1. & 2. Main impulses representing the topic at hand. They may compliment or oppose one another.

3. This is the current influence at this time.

5. The Waning Moon is the influence that is moving into the past.

4. The Waxing Moon indicates what is on the horizon, or the approaching influence. This is the immediate future.

7. The Light is what is clearly recognized, consciously.

6. The Dark indicates what is there but not fully perceived, though noticed on a deeper level of consciousness.

8. The Next Step is the near future, where this journey leads.

9. The final tarot card, only if it happens to be of the Major Arcana, reveals the Secret of the High Priestess. This is a special message that should be given added weight.









Your Secret of the High Priestess Reading

The Waxing Moon

V – The Hierophant
The Full Moon

XVIII – The Moon
The Waning Moon

XIV – Temperance
  Significator #1

IX – The Hermit
Significator #2

VIII – Strength
The Dark

XI – Justice
The Secret of the High Priestess

III – The Empress
The Light

IV – The Emperor
  The Next Step

XX – Judgement




Significator #1 


IX – The Hermit

Pulling back in order to gain space to think things through. Taking the time necessary to review a situation on your own or with the help of a disinterested third party. Renunciation of material claims or desires. Embracing simplicity. 'Money can't buy you happiness'. An unorthodox teacher (a 'guru') has much to teach you.



Significator #2 


VIII – Strength

Karma. Taking responsibility for your actions. A fair outcome, a decision in your favour. Fighting for a just cause. A balanced approach, impartiality. You need to weigh the pros and cons of a situation in order to make a sensible decision and take appropriate action.



The Waning Moon is the influence that you are putting behind you, as it moves into the past. 


XIV – Temperance

Making necessary adjustments in your life; finding serenity and healing. A balanced perspective or approach. Compromising or cooperating to achieve objectives. Being patient or forgiving with someone. Finding growth opportunities in your hardships will make you stronger and more resilient. A 'wounded healer', i.e., someone who can help others due to having suffered similar problems or wounds.




The Full Moon is the current influence at this time. 


XVIII – The Moon

Finding out what is really going on. Something that was unclear or ambiguous is now understood. Uncovering or revealing deceit, dishonesty, and self-deception. Experiencing romance. Looking into the mysteries of life. Letting your imagination run free, which may lead you to new insights and discoveries. Finding hidden messages or meaning in your dreams.











The Waxing Moon indicates what is on the horizon; the approaching influence. 


V – The Hierophant

Taking a non-conformist or unconventional approach. Blindly following someone else's advice. Being closed-minded. Someone who is obsessive compulsive or does doing everything by the book. Being sacrilegious or irreligious.



The Light is what is clearly recognized. 


IV – The Emperor

The Father archetype, which implies things like strictness, providing for others, and having respect and recognition from others. The ability to rationally resolve issues and problems. Having structure, stability, and order in your life. An authority figure, a person who is in a position of power.




The Dark shows what is there but not fully perceived, though it has been noticed on a deeper level of consciousness. 


XI – Justice

Having Inner strength. Resolving problems with patience, composure, compassion or understanding. An ability to control your baser instincts. Facing trials and hardships with courage. Finding a peaceful resolution to an angry or violent situation. Seeing the best in others.




The Next Step is the near future, where this journey will take you. 


XX – Judgement

A lack of common sense. A hasty or ill-considered decision that brings an unwelcome change to your life. Clinging to the confines of conventional thinking. A reluctance to move forward with your life. Holding on to a grudge.




The Secret of the High Priestess - if, and only if, this card a Major Arcana, it reveals the Secret of the High Priestess. This is a special spiritual message that you should pay extra special attention to. If it is not a trump, the Priestess has revealed no secret. 


III – The Empress

A project is having problems coming to fruition. Obstacles to creativity, such as writer's block. Sterility or loss. Someone is being unproductive. Having issues with your mother. Being smothered by someone. Chaos. Stagnation.