Path Spread

Path Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

For the Path reading, one asks for suggestions how to behave properly to achieve a desired result. The Current column represents how the reader has been acting, and the Suggestedcolumn suggests how they should act to achieve a certain goal. The chart-like spread uses the standard three levels: Rational, Emotional, and External Stance (how one projects oneself outwardly). When comparing the Current and Suggested cards, the most important thing is to notice the differences between the two cards. It is these differences which hint at the behaviours that should be altered.

Card #1 is the significator, the card which should reflect the nature of the query and/or the desired outcome.

Card #2 shows the way the reader is and has been thinking. Card #7 suggests how to change the way one thinks to serve themselves better.

Card #3 suggests the reader's emotional attitude. Though it may seem difficult to manipulate one's own emotions, it can be done if one puts their mind to it. For example, acting a certain way such as smiling intently for a few minutes will lead the emotions to follow. When a person tries this, as silly as the exercise seems, they find this to evoke the emotion of happiness. For this reading, one should try to make themselves feel the way that Card #6 suggests.

External Stance means how one acts outwardly, how they hope others see them. Card #4 is about how the reader has been acting, while #5 indicates how they should act outwardly, for other people's sake. It is the differences between these cards that hint at what behaviour patterns should be altered.









Your Path Reading

  Current The Significator

XIX – The Sun
XX – Judgement
VII – The Chariot
XIV – Temperance
XVIII – The Moon
External Stance
IX – The Hermit
XVII – The Star





The Significator

XIX – The Sun

Enjoying or celebrating success. Having energy and vitality, being optimistic and active. Triumph over obstacles. Recognition for work done. Trusting others and experiencing a sense of unity. Coming out of a dark period. Critical reasoning leads to clarity and understanding.





Current Thoughts

XX – Judgement

Renewal, regeneration, and (metaphorical) rebirth. Hearing a calling; experiencing an epiphany. Exhibiting good judgment. Thinking 'outside the box'. Forgiving someone who has wronged you. Opening a new chapter in life or passing a significant milestone.





Suggested Thoughts

VII – The Chariot

Feeling pulled in several directions at once. Feeling a loss of control in your life. An inability to properly master outside influences. Charging ahead rashly. Running roughshod over other people. Losing yourself in the role you have to play in order to succeed. Failure or a very costly victory.












Current Emotions

XIV – Temperance

Inflexibility causes problems in resolving issues. An inability to be open to others' viewpoints or to find a middle ground or compromise in a troublesome situation. Taking extreme measures when a more balance approach is required. Adhering to either extreme of abstinence or self-indulgence.





Suggested Emotions

XVIII – The Moon

Finding out what is really going on. Something that was unclear or ambiguous is now understood. Uncovering or revealing deceit, dishonesty, and self-deception. Experiencing romance. Looking into the mysteries of life. Letting your imagination run free, which may lead you to new insights and discoveries. Finding hidden messages or meaning in your dreams.





Current External Stance

IX – The Hermit

Someone has been too withdrawn, antisocial, or introverted and would benefit from the company of others. Loneliness or aloofness. Isolation from people who might provide help or useful guidance. Feeling ostracised, left out.





Suggested External Stance

XVII – The Star

Finding, regaining, or holding on to hope. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The calm after the storm. Meditation. Seeking inner tranquillity or a spiritual awakening. A time to develop a special talent or ability.