Horse Shoe Spread

Horse Shoe Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

The Horse Shoe is a classic tarot spread. It is more advanced than the three-card reading, yet simpler than most other spreads. It is a versatile method that can be used for most queries, though there are other spreads which would go into more depth. Like the simple Past, Present, and Future spread, it contains these cards in positions #1, #2, and #7, but also has four other tarot cards that help the reader understand how to deal with the future better. The cards are to be read as follows:

  1. The Past: Past events affecting the question.
  2. The Present: The current state or approaching influence.
  3. Hidden Influences: Things the reader may not be aware of (or barely be aware of).
  4. Obstacles: This is the challenge: obstacles may be avoided or may have to be dealt with.
  5. External Influences: Attitudes and thoughts regarding people around the reader.
  6. Suggestions: Recommended course of action.
  7. Outcome: The result of following the suggestions.









Your Horse Shoe Reading


XI – Justice
Hidden Influences

XVIII – The Moon
  External Influences

XIII – Death
The Present

XVII – The Star

XV – The Devil
The Past

VI – The Lovers
  The Outcome

VIII – Strength





The PastCard represents past events that are affecting the question.


VI – The Lovers

A relationship ending or turning sour (it may or may not be romantic). 'Star-crossed lovers;' an ill-fated relationship. The inability to make a choice for any number of reasons – fearing to commit to a decision, being indecisive, or having inner conflict. Choosing the 'low road' in life.





The PresentCard represents the current state or immediately approaching influence.


XVII – The Star

Pessimism. Taking a 'glass is half empty' approach instead of viewing it as half full. Not being able to recognise the value of a situation or opportunity. Holding on to desperate or unrealistic hopes. Having your head in the clouds when you need to keep your feet on the ground instead.





Hidden Influences - Things that you may not be aware of, or barely be aware of.


XVIII – The Moon

Finding out what is really going on. Something that was unclear or ambiguous is now understood. Uncovering or revealing deceit, dishonesty, and self-deception. Experiencing romance. Looking into the mysteries of life. Letting your imagination run free, which may lead you to new insights and discoveries. Finding hidden messages or meaning in your dreams.












Obstacle - This is the challenge.


XI – Justice

Having Inner strength. Resolving problems with patience, composure, compassion or understanding. An ability to control your baser instincts. Facing trials and hardships with courage. Finding a peaceful resolution to an angry or violent situation. Seeing the best in others.





External Influences - Attitudes about this situation from people around the querent.


XIII – Death

Experiencing a dramatic or significant change in your life. A realisation that there is no turning back; a bell can't be un-rung. A time to discard whatever is not adding to your life. When one door closes, another will open. Taking 'down time' that is necessary for renewal, new growth, and transformation. Dealing with issues regarding death and dying.





Suggestion - The recommended course of action.


XV – The Devil

'Facing your demons'. Overcoming an addiction. Pushing past obsessions and working to limit the number of toxic situations and friendships in your life. Getting help for your problems with addictions, anger management issues, etc. Resisting temptation. 'Better the devil you know than the devil you don't'.





The Outcome - What will happen if the suggestion is followed.


VIII – Strength

An unjust decision, perhaps based on bias, bigotry, or deceit. Delays in the delivery of a decision. Irresponsibility. An inability to make a decision. Being treated unfairly or with prejudice.