One-Card Tarot Reading

Single Card Spread



Difficulty: Easiest

The one card tarot reading is best for times when focusing on just one thing without any potential complications is desirable. It can be used for just about any question, including to draw a card of the day, week, or even one's card of ultimate destiny. It can also be used repetitively, as some readers prefer to pull one card at a time, watching as a story unfolds. There are even some readers who don't use tarot spreads at all, relying on this method alone.









Your Card






An angelic figure pours water from one cup to another, symbolising balance and the harmonious blending of opposites. One leg is robed in blue, the other in red, reflecting equilibrium between the conscious and subconscious leading to spiritual enlightenment.

Temperance signifies balance, moderation, and the art of blending opposites to create harmony. It encourages patience, self-restraint, and the ability to adapt fluidly to life's changes. This card often appears when you are finding equilibrium in a challenging situation or working toward a greater sense of peace.

In relationships, it suggests compromise and mutual understanding. Spiritually, Temperance represents alignment with your higher self and a focus on unity and integration.

Balance, harmony, moderation, patience, adaptation, unity, self-restraint, healing, integration, peace.