Relationship Spread #1

Relationship Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

This tarot spread is easy to read, like a convenient chart. In this spread, court cards generally indicate actual people with the same characteristics. Knights (or corresponding princes, but not kings) and queens are meant to represent actual men and women in this tarot spread. Look for patterns in the cards as always.

Card #1 is the overall significator of the relationship. The two columns on either side of the significator characterise each individual's role in the relationship. The relationship does not have to be romantic. In fact, it could be a relationship between a person and a group, or even how two groups relate.

The top row, cards #7 & #2, is about the conscious thoughts of each person, or what they think about the relationship and likewise how they view their partner.

The middle row, cards #6 & #3, reveals the way each individual feels about the other. Emotional awareness corresponds to a person's unconscious thoughts that run deep, affecting a person in ways he or she is not fully aware of.

The bottom row, cards #5 & #4, represents the way each person behaves, in other words the stance taken regarding the relationship. The way a person acts may be genuine, but sometimes people are phony and manipulative, so it is best to weigh this card against the other person's cards to determine how they match up.









Your Relationship #1 Reading

  You   Other Person
The Fool
(Le Mat)
The Chariot
(Le Chariot)
The Sun
(Le Soleil)
The Significator

The Wheel of Fortune
(La Roue de Fo
The Magician
(Le Bateleur)
External Stance             
The Tower
(La Maison Dieu)
The World
(Le Monde)





The Significator

The Wheel of Fortune
(La Roue de Fo

The Wheel of Fortune depicts a large wheel with figures ascending and descending its sides. It symbolises fate, luck, and the cycles of life. The turning motion suggests impermanence and change.

The Wheel of Fortune represents the ever-turning cycles of life, where fortune can rise or fall unexpectedly. This card signals change, opportunity, and the need to adapt. It reminds you to embrace the flow of events and trust in the greater pattern.

In relationships, it can indicate changes or new phases. Spiritually, it highlights the interconnectedness of life and the importance of surrendering to destiny's rhythms while remaining attuned to opportunities that arise.

Change, cycles, destiny, luck, opportunity, karma, adaptability, transition, impermanence, evolution.





The Querent's Thoughts

The Fool
(Le Mat)

A carefree figure, often carrying a small bag or bundle, walks toward the unknown with a dog nipping at their heels, symbolising the risks of new beginnings. Their gaze is upward, indicating innocence and trust, while their attire features bright, mismatched colours, emphasising their unconventional nature.

The Fool represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and the embrace of life's uncertainties. This card encourages stepping into the unknown with optimism and trust, even if the path ahead seems uncertain or risky. It speaks to freedom, potential, and the ability to approach life with a beginner's mind.

In relationships, the Fool may suggest a fresh start or a need for openness and vulnerability. Spiritually, it represents a journey of self-discovery and the willingness to trust the universe.

New beginnings, spontaneity, innocence, freedom, potential, adventure, risk, trust, exploration, unconventionality.





The Other Person's Thoughts

The Chariot
(Le Chariot)

The Chariot shows a warrior standing in a chariot pulled by two horses of contrasting colors, symbolising opposing forces. The warrior wears a crown and holds a wand or reins, signifying control and determination. The canopy above him suggests moving forward from a place of stability into the unknown.

The Chariot signifies triumph through determination, discipline, and focus. It speaks to mastering conflicting forces and steering your life toward success. This card often appears when you are on the brink of achieving a goal, but it reminds you that persistence and self-control are essential.

In relationships, the Chariot suggests navigating challenges together. Spiritually, it emphasises aligning your willpower with your higher purpose.

Triumph, determination, focus, control, discipline, victory, mastery, momentum, perseverance, alignment.












The Querent's Emotions

The Sun
(Le Soleil)

The Sun shines brightly over two joyful children, symbolising innocence and vitality. A wall represents protection and growth. The radiant light of the sun signifies clarity, success, and the life force itself.

The Sun represents joy, success, and illumination. It heralds a period of clarity, achievement, and fulfilment. This card encourages positivity, optimism, and self-expression, reminding you to celebrate life's blessings.

In relationships, the Sun signifies warmth, harmony, and mutual happiness. Spiritually, it points to enlightenment and connection with divine light.

Joy, success, clarity, vitality, positivity, enlightenment, achievement, growth, warmth, celebration.





The Other Person's Emotions

The Magician
(Le Bateleur)

The Magician is a youthful figure standing behind a table, holding a wand aloft while other tools lie before him�often a coin, a cup, and a sword. These tools represent mastery over the elements and the power to manifest intentions. His hat, shaped like a lemniscate, symbolises infinite potential, and his posture suggests readiness and action. The vibrant colours of his attire evoke creativity, energy, and a zest for life.

The Magician represents the power of initiative, skill, and resourcefulness. He embodies the ability to turn ideas into reality, combining intellect, action, and willpower. The card often signals the beginning of a new venture or opportunity, where focus and confidence are key. However, it also serves as a warning to avoid manipulation or overconfidence.

The Magician invites you to be aware of your tools and talents, urging you to act with intention. It also reminds you that success depends on your ability to harmonise thought and action.

Initiative, manifestation, skill, potential, confidence, willpower, beginnings, resourcefulness, action, focus.





The Querent's External Stance

The Tower
(La Maison Dieu)

A tall tower struck by lightning collapses as figures fall from its heights, symbolising sudden upheaval. Balls and debris erupt from the structure, representing destruction and chaos. However, the lightning bolt signifies divine intervention, clearing away illusions and false foundations to reveal the truth.

The Tower represents sudden change, upheaval, and the collapse of false structures. While the experience may be shocking or painful, it paves the way for transformation and rebuilding. This card calls for resilience and the ability to embrace new beginnings born from chaos.

In relationships, it may signal a dramatic shift or revelation. Spiritually, it urges you to let go of false beliefs and align with authenticity.

Upheaval, change, chaos, destruction, revelation, transformation, truth, divine intervention, awakening, rebuilding.





The Other Person's External Stance

The World
(Le Monde)

A dancing figure surrounded by a wreath occupies the center, representing completion and harmony. The four corners of the card feature symbols of the elements or the four cherubs, signifying unity. The figure holds wands or batons, symbolising mastery and balance.

The World signifies completion, fulfilment, and wholeness. It represents the successful culmination of a journey and the integration of all aspects of your life. This card invites you to celebrate your achievements while embracing the interconnectedness of existence. It heralds a time of balance, unity, and alignment with your purpose. The World also indicates readiness for new adventures following the conclusion of one phase.

In relationships, it signifies harmony and mutual understanding. Spiritually, it reflects enlightenment and integration with the cosmos.

Completion, fulfilment, harmony, unity, wholeness, success, integration, achievement, enlightenment, new beginnings.