The Love Triangle Spread

The Love Triangle Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Casually referred to as the Love Triangle, this spread can be used to determine the dynamics of the relationship between three people, regardless of whether romance is involved. This spread is arranged in the form of a hexagram, consisting of several large and small triangles. This tarot spread may seem somewhat complicated, but it is not entirely that difficult.

The first step is to interpret the card for each individual position in the spread. Generally, one might ask about a relationship they are involved in, but this does not have to be the case. Ordinarily, the reader's representative card is #1, their main person of interest is #2, and the other person would be #3.

The second step fills in the downward triangle and involves further examination of the individuals through their views of the other people. Each person has two more cards showing the way they see and relate to the other members of the triangle. For example, Card #6 indicates how Person #3 relates to Person #1, while Card #9 stands for Person #1's attitude toward Person #3.

The next step completes the upward triangle and the hexagram, focusing on cards #10–13. It also completes the many smaller triangles and hints at the potential for each relationship. The final card, #13 can be considered the significator of the reading, which suggests the overall potential for this three-way relationship.









Your Love Triangle Reading


P#3   3to2 2+3
2to3   P#2
3to1 Overall 2to1
1+3 1to3 1to2 1+2




1: Person #1

King of Wands

The wall confines the fire and bundles it up. Its violet colour shows that it has been built consciously and with spiritual energy, intent on higher ideals.

The triangle on the square shows the ideal integration of divinity and mortality. The fish in the fiery water indicates fiery emotionality as the basis for materialism. The symbol of the wand is recognised by the nine-fold loop on the back of the card.




2: Person #2


The path through the underworld can be seen which eventually leads into light. The path is edged with lilies, the underworld flowers. The abstract archangel Michael is helping to find the right composition for the flow of energy, in other words is on the way through the subconscious (forgotten) to keep a minimal contact going with the conscious e.g., by transmission (documents...)




3: Person #3

2 of Cups

The two faces and the two cups seem together to form an entirety. The difference between them is shown, among other things, through the colours, which, in each case, mirror the opposite.

Two fish in the water also suggest dualism in the unity. In the same way, the heart at the top, made of two parts, becomes one at the bottom. The suggestion of an angel above the heads supports the same theme.










4: Person #1's view of #2

7 of Swords

The left hand points to the new path towards intuition and the subconscious. The colours correspond with those of the Cups. The right hand tends to turn towards the swords. This area is dominated by the colour blue. The question is how many swords should be taken on the journey.




5: Person #2's view of #3

3 of Cups

All the equipment for a celebration is united, wine, food, fireworks, love, happiness and society. There is nothing missing. The snake, which is biting its tail, suggests that celebrations begin and end. We let them come and go, like fireworks; they do not last very long.




6: Person #3's view of #1

4 of Swords

Three swords are holding a violet cauldron, under which a fire is burning. Something is being "extracted". The violet colour indicates a spiritual process. The sun is setting; nothing more will happen today. To sleep on it will help.

Tomorrow it might be possible to grasp the fourth sword and to take the right path in further conflicts. The path past the white flag is also possible.




7: Person #2's view of #1

3 of Swords

The colours red, blue and gray are all mixed together in this scene. Clarity fills the whole picture, but the emotions also play a role. The ten wands in the background are all mixed up.

A cloud obscures or overshadows the scene. The two drops of water show condensation, as the cloud is being influenced by the sword. These drops also represent tears.

The three swords point to a spot on the heart. It is unclear whether they are damaging it, yet one can see a drop of blood.




8: Person #3's view of #2

4 of Cups

A fourth cup, which, does not really want to fit in the well-balanced harmony of the other three, joins the three cups. The hand with its intensive colour shows the rejection it experiences. The fourth fish is green, as though it felt ill. Altogether the colours are lighter than those of the Three of Cups.




9: Person #1's view of #3

6 of Wands

Six trees have been felled in a forest, which couldn't be entered and be used, because the trees were growing in all directions. They are lying to the left-hand side of the path, which is now free to let in light, causing new leaves to sprout.

The wood from the forest has been used to melt down the iron for an axe, to turn a style and therefore to create a significant relationship between growth and order.










10: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #2

Princess of Cups

Waves emboss the picture and the princess� hair and the night-sky move with them. The moon and stars indicate intuition and emotionality.

The eyes seem to mirror the night-light, and also point to the personal inner starry sky. The hearts in the picture speak for themselves and the three fish suggest approaching materialism.




11: Overall relationship between persons #2 and #3

4 of Coins

The safe symbolises the need for protection. Certain themes are referred to: money, possessions, love and relationships. The star stands for the vision, which is worth holding on to.

The blue-and-white checked-pattern portrays narrow-mindedness through misunderstood reliability. At the bottom of the picture the devil's horns and some hell-fire have found their place, illustrating dependence.



12: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #3


Classical symbols are also used here. Five graves are opening up, out of which stretches a hand to awaken a new life. The implication of the archangel Gabriel is blowing the trumpet of the Resurrection. One of the hands shows three fingers, which portrays a release from the grave's number four. It is also a gesture of the Hierophant.

The number five, shown by the number of hands and flowers, points to entirety. The aim is to see material things as being divine, so as to unite them and not to damn them and so create a new division. The flowers are about to bloom and through their colours the subjects of integration and entirety are emphasised again.




13: Overall 3-way Relationship

5 of Coins

Wealth and poverty are separated by a wall. The rich man is wearing white gloves. He doesn't want to get his fingers dirty. The poor man has a missing middle-finger, the centre has been lost. His stick is brittle.

The colour blue separates the colours red and yellow from brown and green. The yellow is similar to gold. Red used to belong to the most expensive colours. Green is also the colour of mould and brown is the colour which at first appears to be inert.

The candle is helping the poor man to find sense and the distant path, as far as he is aware of them.