The Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread

Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Basically, there is the main pyramid in the centre, and two smaller pyramids on each side. One is inverted.

Positions 1 & 3 represent where the reader comes from, or what has made them/shaped them on the various levels. Can be from environment, upbringing, schooling, etc. A look at the past, but with more objectivity than is usually given when using tarot cards.

Positions 4 & 5 represent who the reader is right now. May or may not make pleasant reading, but hey, this is what this is about, right?

Position 6 represents who the reader could be. Again, it might or might not look good, but a person can learn from that and change who they are accordingly. (This is a bit like how Scrooge did things in 'A Christmas Carol'.)

Positions 7 & 8 are the reader's strengths. This is the light they have, which can be bought to the forefront. What carries the person should not be hidden or unacknowledged.

Position 9 represents what should be given to oneself or created within.

Position 10 & 11 represent personal areas for development or weaknesses. Again, might not make good reading, but if someone looks at their strengths first, they will be able to see a balance is there and can choose to focus on one side or the other. This is where a person could really see how their shadow side comes into play.

Position 12 represents what the reader should be offering externally, or what they can bring to their world or to others who inhabit that world.









Your Self-Actualization Pyramids Reading


Strength #1
Strength #2
Eye Exhibit
Nurture This
Infirmity #1
Infirmity #2
Now #1
  Now #2
Base (past) #1
  Base (past) #2
  Base (past) #3





1: Base #1

9 of Coins

A pile of pentacles is being held by two hands. The scene looks like a rich garden, protected by a wall. Grapes in the foreground and valuable rings on both of the hands emphasise the impression of wealth.

The bird of prey has many different faces. It is protecting what it has seized. Its figure alone makes a good impression. However, it is also a bird which captures its prey, as its name indicates.




2: Base #2

9 of Swords

The swords look like teeth, which at any moment could bite. The hands are held up for protection. The eye wants to open, but its vision is obstructed.

The waning moon emphasises the existing fear. The sunrise is at hand. Roses promise development, joy of life and the coming forth of emotions in the near future.




3: Base #3

The Hierophant

The pentahedral star in the picture shows how the four elements, which appear in the four lower rays, come into contact with spiritualism. This is represented in the uppermost point by God's eye, in the iris of which the Wheel of Fortune is alluded to. The violet background underlines the principle of spiritualism.

The labyrinth in the middle of the star points to the search for the meaning, which by way of the heart is also a search for the centre. The two hands at the top represent the obvious (exoteric) and the concealed (esoteric). The praying hands at the bottom symbolise the pupil.










4: Where you are now #1

Ace of Wands

The orangey yellow colour of the picture emphasises energy and liveliness. A wand is growing out of the ground. Liveliness grows out of stability, which gives security and nutrition.

The leaf indicates slow change, but the fire indicates a definite basic change and dissolving of processes. The heart, which seems to be inside the flame, pronounces love' passion. Energy-rays are hinted at through the wand's aura. The field of corn in the background gives a further reference to growth and fertility.




5: Where you are now #2

5 of Swords

The middle sword divides the scene. It symbolises disconnection in itself and is the only one that has remained whole.

The 'winner's' sword, decorated with a laurel wreath, seems to be less bent than that of the 'loser', but it is also unusable. The pierced heart shows the 'loser's' certainty of having injured his enemy in the worst possible way.

The dark colours in the picture show that it is a matter of something unpleasant. The energetic connection, portrayed by the waves at the top and bottom, has been cut off.




6: Your potential

The World

The eye is the same as that on the Magician's card, but the wish to develop is not portrayed any more. The oval wreath suggests the unification of polarities, as with the Lovers, but here the unification actually takes place.

The symbols for the four elements are collected around the oval and are reconcilably united together. The blue colour of the background symbolises consciousness and clarity.




7: Strength #1


Classical symbols are also used here. Five graves are opening up, out of which stretches a hand to awaken a new life. The implication of the archangel Gabriel is blowing the trumpet of the Resurrection. One of the hands shows three fingers, which portrays a release from the grave's number four. It is also a gesture of the Hierophant.

The number five, shown by the number of hands and flowers, points to entirety. The aim is to see material things as being divine, so as to unite them and not to damn them and so create a new division. The flowers are about to bloom and through their colours the subjects of integration and entirety are emphasised again.




8: Strength #2

2 of Wands

The picture shows coloured energy as well as a certain pallor. The brown colour suggests to us, stuck in the earth, that the right wand could help us.

The hand appears to be hesitant, the waning moon points to fear, the flag of parliament indicates false compromises. The waves in the middle show the situation's emotions.




9: Nurture this

8 of Cups

Seven cups are covered with a cloth, so that they won't be damaged during absence. A cup is being held in the left hand and a sword in the right. They look like a complementary couple.

There is water to the right and left of the path and one must take care not to tread in it. In the background we can see the Hermit's hut and several hills, which could turn out to be mountains. The waxing moon shows uncertainty. The journey might not be too easy.










10: Weakness #1


A sceptre and a sword seem to be fighting. Water and fire, portrayed in striking red, stand for subconscious strength. They are kept under control by the symbols of earth and air, the conscious elements, portrayed by the sword (clarity), the house (stability) and the wall (limits, firmness). The violet colour of the wall also shows a penetration of the colours red and blue.

The trees also contain this mixture of the elements, but they are growing cautiously as well as the clouds, water, which so to speak, becomes air (gaseous). They also stand for integration, which on the one hand makes us more flexible but on the other hand obscures things. The lemniscates, which can be seen clearly in magic, can be found in the two trees in the top left corner. It illustrates swinging into the next bend.




11: Weakness #2

Prince of Wands

The prince appears unexpectedly in the picture. We are slightly alarmed. He looks as though he were made of fire and he seems to be setting his surroundings on fire.

He is lifting his wand as though to fight and moves everything out of his way. But the purple vase, which he has broken in his haste, might have perhaps been useful to him. He hardly notices it; the contents are now lost. In the background a volcano is erupting and pouring its lava over the picture.



12: Behavior to exhibit

9 of Wands

The powerful energy in this situation is emphasised by the intensive colour red in the background. The wands are moving onwards through a magnifying-glass, which bundles up the strength into one item. The blue colour of the magnifying-glass points to conscious action.

Scratches can be seen on the fingers of the hand, which, due to lack of concentration or coordination, come into contact with their own energy and have been recognised on previous cards.