Comic Strip Spread

Comic Strip Spread



Difficulty: Easy

Note: This spread works best with decks like the Diary of a Broken Soul or Surrealist Tarot because they display scenes rather than pips and do not use reversals.

The Comic Strip Spread is a simple nine-card chronological spread that looks like a page of a comic book. This method should be used to get a glimpse of the future as it would pan out naturally. It may be insightful to use this spread in coordination with biorhythms. The spread is easy to read as a storyboard, just like a comic strip.

The main subject is apparent in the first card, while the story plays out through the following tarot cards.

It is important to pay particular attention to the cards and the relationships with their neighbours. Notice which directions the cards are facing, and how they interact.










Your Comic Strip Reading

Princess of Swords
3 of Cups
5 of Swords
10 of Cups
3 of Swords
Ace of Swords
8 of Cups
7 of Coins





Card 1: Princess of Swords

She looks suspicious, she is holding her sword, ready for action. She needs to be at a distance from the castle, which is too near, but she wants to feel this nearness. The three swords in the heart above her point to injuries.

She does not seem to enjoy the beauty of the two flowers, the heads of which she has just cut off. She will perhaps be sorry later. Her books are sacred and she also writes down her thoughts. One can imagine how beautiful her hair is, which she has not completely hidden under her helmet.





Card 2: 3 of Cups

All the equipment for a celebration is united, wine, food, fireworks, love, happiness and society. There is nothing missing. The snake, which is biting its tail, suggests that celebrations begin and end. We let them come and go, like fireworks; they do not last very long.





Card 3: 5 of Swords

The middle sword divides the scene. It symbolises disconnection in itself and is the only one that has remained whole.

The 'winner's' sword, decorated with a laurel wreath, seems to be less bent than that of the 'loser', but it is also unusable. The pierced heart shows the 'loser's' certainty of having injured his enemy in the worst possible way.

The dark colours in the picture show that it is a matter of something unpleasant. The energetic connection, portrayed by the waves at the top and bottom, has been cut off.





Card 4: 10 of Cups

The sprouting seed refers to actual growth. The heart leads two ends together into a point. The house offers an outward protection for a partnership for life.

The child (small hand) shows itself as being an actual product of its parents' love. The snake suggests that the child will carry this cycle on, one day, as a parent.












Card 5: 3 of Swords

The colours red, blue and gray are all mixed together in this scene. Clarity fills the whole picture, but the emotions also play a role. The ten wands in the background are all mixed up.

A cloud obscures or overshadows the scene. The two drops of water show condensation, as the cloud is being influenced by the sword. These drops also represent tears.

The three swords point to a spot on the heart. It is unclear whether they are damaging it, yet one can see a drop of blood.





Card 6: Ace of Swords

The sword is rising out of the water. The blue colour in the picture symbolises clarity. The three different coloured butterflies indicate different thoughts and the perception of difference. One butterfly is sitting on the tip of the sword, a symbol of decision. The halo supports the impression of clarification and purification.





Card 7: 8 of Cups

Seven cups are covered with a cloth, so that they won't be damaged during absence. A cup is being held in the left hand and a sword in the right. They look like a complementary couple.

There is water to the right and left of the path and one must take care not to tread in it. In the background we can see the Hermit's hut and several hills, which could turn out to be mountains. The waxing moon shows uncertainty. The journey might not be too easy.





Card 8: Death

The circuit of coming and going is symbolised by the serpent, which frames the picture and bites its own tail. The red background portrays sunset, or as the case may be, sunrise. The house and the tree, representatives for the element earth, have fallen into decay and are bare. The three tombstones show the headgear of the pope, the king and the farmer. At death there is no difference.

The skeleton's hand comes from the left and holds a blue scythe, which seems to be a mixture between a sceptre and a sword. The leaf, which is growing out of it, shows that death, due to its quality allowing old things to fade away, makes new growth possible.

The water symbolises the river Styx, which has to be crossed at death so as to reach the next world. The colour blue in the picture stands for disconnection and purification. Like its younger brother sleep, death also has a cleansing property, which is particularly emphasised by the whiteness of the skeleton's hand and the blade of the scythe. What is interesting (I only realised later) is that the scythe's blade itself gives the hint of a crescent moon.





Card 9: 7 of Coins

Seven pentacles are lying on a heap of leaves which is being swept up. They look like unusable fruit. Two tears show that the sweeper is grieving over his lost harvest. The star in the background suggests that the loss is small in comparison with the high goal which is being aimed at.