The Astrological Spread

Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

The Astrological Tarot Spread is based upon houses of astrology. This complicated spread takes several steps to understand.

The first step is to interpret the tarot card for each individual position in the spread.

The second step involves further examination of the main axes. Positions 1 & 7 show the relationship theme, #1 representing the reader, #7 their partner. Positions 4 & 10 indicate motion. #4 indicates where the reader is now, and #10 suggests what they are moving towards.

The third step involves breaking down the chart into triads according to their house elements.

Positions 1, 5, & 9 represent the Fire triad, symbolizing temperament and personal development.

Positions 2, 6, & 10 represent the Earth triad, concerned with materialism, money, and work.

Positions 3, 7, & 11 represent the Air triad, which has to do with thoughts, ideas, and connections with other people.

Positions 4, 8, & 12 represent the Water triad, the realm of emotions, moods, intuition, and yearnings.

Further, other patterns and correlations between certain numbers can be noted. Certain numbers such as the set of 5, 7, & 8 often speak about a particular theme.









Your Astrological Reading


    11 9    
  12   8  
1       7
2   Eye   6
  3   5  





1: Basic Mood

The Hanged Man

The sole of the foot is turned upwards, the world is turned upside down. This is what the picture shows. The beam and the rope are blue. Rationality, an attempt to consciously act, binds the hanged man. But here there also seems to be hope. Leaves are growing out of wood.

The colour yellow at the bottom of the picture stands for the light which the hanged man experiences when he manages to let himself fall. The wide path in the background leads to a dead-end against blue rocks. Walking back a bit one can find a narrow track which leads around the rocks back into the light. The violet background portrays the night sky. Normal vision is not carried any further.




2: Finance

3 of Coins

The picture shows an attestation as a symbol of real development and change, framed by symbols of different areas of life: a fish, sausages, a hammer and compass for handicrafts, a lute, a palette and brushes for art, a book for knowledge, appreciation and education, the two hands for social understanding.




3: Mundane Life

Prince of Coins

The fields and fruit trees are well kept and managed. Everything seems to be in order. The harvest is certain to turn out well. Apart from a few gold buttons, the prince does without any jewellery. His facial expression mirrors his pride in his performance, but at the same time a certain submissiveness.




4: Home

The Magician

The symbols of all the elements are shown on the picture as possibilities. The eye, with its triangular shape, refers to the Holy Trinity. It seems as though it has just opened and one can recognise the spokes of the Wheel of Fortune in its iris.

The ribbon of eternity shows us how all possibilities can develop in waves out of the one item. The red background supports the energy of the illustration.










5: Fun Things

The Moon

This illustration, as with the previous ones, is based on classical examples. The moon can be seen foreshadowing its warmer and brighter side. Both towers, right and left of the path, are an indication of the Holy Jerusalem. The violet colour promises spiritual experience. To reach them the path leads past the wolf, which symbolises danger. The protecting force is portrayed by the dog, which appears lighter.

The crab, which is coming out of the water, describes the appearance out of the depths and the return to light. The crab also symbolises a character which has developed a strong contact to its emotions and intuition. Because of this it is very vulnerable and protects itself with armour and usually an extra covering.




6: Work

4 of Cups

A fourth cup, which, does not really want to fit in the well-balanced harmony of the other three, joins the three cups. The hand with its intensive colour shows the rejection it experiences. The fourth fish is green, as though it felt ill. Altogether the colours are lighter than those of the Three of Cups.




7: Partners

King of Coins

The king is sitting in front of his magnificent castle with its well-kept but simple park. He is proud of it and feels confident. He is aware of what he has achieved and he knows how to manage his estate.




8: Hidden Aspects

4 of Swords

Three swords are holding a violet cauldron, under which a fire is burning. Something is being "extracted". The violet colour indicates a spiritual process. The sun is setting; nothing more will happen today. To sleep on it will help.

Tomorrow it might be possible to grasp the fourth sword and to take the right path in further conflicts. The path past the white flag is also possible.




9: Higher Views

10 of Cups

The sprouting seed refers to actual growth. The heart leads two ends together into a point. The house offers an outward protection for a partnership for life.

The child (small hand) shows itself as being an actual product of its parents' love. The snake suggests that the child will carry this cycle on, one day, as a parent.










10: Reputation

10 of Coins

The pentacles can be found inside and outside the town, as fruits on trees, as an exchange object, as a value which can bring us beauty, knowledge, nutrition or culture, by us exchanging these values, if necessary, with the help of payment (money).

The wise man knows that only by exchanging our goods amongst ourselves can we make a rich community. One pentacle shows an upside-down pentagram.




11: Friends

Ace of Wands

The orangey yellow colour of the picture emphasises energy and liveliness. A wand is growing out of the ground. Liveliness grows out of stability, which gives security and nutrition.

The leaf indicates slow change, but the fire indicates a definite basic change and dissolving of processes. The heart, which seems to be inside the flame, pronounces love' passion. Energy-rays are hinted at through the wand's aura. The field of corn in the background gives a further reference to growth and fertility.



12: Hopes and Fears

Queen of Wands

The orangey-yellow colour of the picture symbolises fire; the green colour portrays fertility and growth. The sunflowers also testify a connection between energy and growth.

The throne gives the impression of a sun-queen; the creases on her skirt point to sexual energy, her red hair is tied back. The black cat, with its back to us, stands for independence and magic powers. There is a precious stone on the queen's crown, this connects her to the magician's figure one.