One-Card Tarot Reading

Single Card Spread



Difficulty: Easiest

The one card tarot reading is best for times when focusing on just one thing without any potential complications is desirable. It can be used for just about any question, including to draw a card of the day, week, or even one's card of ultimate destiny. It can also be used repetitively, as some readers prefer to pull one card at a time, watching as a story unfolds. There are even some readers who don't use tarot spreads at all, relying on this method alone.









Your Card





The Lovers

The picture shows the connection with the opposite theme represented by two circles (blue = conscious) which combine to form an oval. The oval represents striving for unity on a higher level. The two hands stand for polarity and the confrontation with the tree of eternity and the tree of knowledge (of good and evil) with heart-shaped fruit. The serpent is coiled up at the foot of the tree of knowledge.

The yellow background emphasises the energy of the moment. Fish and water show the duality again and the produced flow of energy. The archangel Raphael watches over everyone with his blessing, indicated by God's eye.