Horse Shoe Spread

Horse Shoe Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

The Horse Shoe is a classic tarot spread. It is more advanced than the three-card reading, yet simpler than most other spreads. It is a versatile method that can be used for most queries, though there are other spreads which would go into more depth. Like the simple Past, Present, and Future spread, it contains these cards in positions #1, #2, and #7, but also has four other tarot cards that help the reader understand how to deal with the future better. The cards are to be read as follows:

  1. The Past: Past events affecting the question.
  2. The Present: The current state or approaching influence.
  3. Hidden Influences: Things the reader may not be aware of (or barely be aware of).
  4. Obstacles: This is the challenge: obstacles may be avoided or may have to be dealt with.
  5. External Influences: Attitudes and thoughts regarding people around the reader.
  6. Suggestions: Recommended course of action.
  7. Outcome: The result of following the suggestions.









Your Horse Shoe Reading


Hidden Influences

The Chariot
  External Influences

The Emperor
The Present


The Devil
The Past

  The Outcome

The Empress





The PastCard represents past events that are affecting the question.



The striking red background of the picture shows that justice has to be very often looked for in emotional situations. Libra's sword and suspension are blue. This stands for rational action. The sword with its double cross the card's eight. The violet colour of the bowls shows the necessity for openness and entirety.

Both hands are equally involved in the weighing process. Rationality and intuition are both important. The eye is half open, it is looking both outwardly and inwardly. The fruits symbolise maturity, which has to reach a good decision for justice.





The PresentCard represents the current state or immediately approaching influence.



A sceptre and a sword seem to be fighting. Water and fire, portrayed in striking red, stand for subconscious strength. They are kept under control by the symbols of earth and air, the conscious elements, portrayed by the sword (clarity), the house (stability) and the wall (limits, firmness). The violet colour of the wall also shows a penetration of the colours red and blue.

The trees also contain this mixture of the elements, but they are growing cautiously as well as the clouds, water, which so to speak, becomes air (gaseous). They also stand for integration, which on the one hand makes us more flexible but on the other hand obscures things. The lemniscates, which can be seen clearly in magic, can be found in the two trees in the top left corner. It illustrates swinging into the next bend.





Hidden Influences - Things that you may not be aware of, or barely be aware of.


The Chariot

The chariot itself is portrayed by the wheel. It has eight spokes, a symbol for the process of development. The shaft symbolises the centre and also the number nine, which completes the cycle. Hub and shaft are on fire and stand for sexual energy. Origin, the wheel's background, and destination, the celestial body's background, are the same colour, violet, which stands for the spiritual.

The dominating yellow in the picture depicts joy of living. The water at the bottom indicates frankness or naivety, but also emotions to be conquered, such as caution or fear. Black and white reins, held in the right and left hand, show different directions and ambivalences, which have to be brought into harmony to make the journey possible. The next part of the journey, which lies ahead of the coach driver, the material world, represented by green, square fields, opens up within all this.

Libra's symbol (justice) shows that one has to reckon with consequences for any mistakes. The section at the top leads into the night. The coach driver does not encounter the sun, as to be expected, but instead the moon and stars. He will meet intuition and the unconscious.












Obstacle - This is the challenge.



The circuit of coming and going is symbolised by the serpent, which frames the picture and bites its own tail. The red background portrays sunset, or as the case may be, sunrise. The house and the tree, representatives for the element earth, have fallen into decay and are bare. The three tombstones show the headgear of the pope, the king and the farmer. At death there is no difference.

The skeleton's hand comes from the left and holds a blue scythe, which seems to be a mixture between a sceptre and a sword. The leaf, which is growing out of it, shows that death, due to its quality allowing old things to fade away, makes new growth possible.

The water symbolises the river Styx, which has to be crossed at death so as to reach the next world. The colour blue in the picture stands for disconnection and purification. Like its younger brother sleep, death also has a cleansing property, which is particularly emphasised by the whiteness of the skeleton's hand and the blade of the scythe. What is interesting (I only realised later) is that the scythe's blade itself gives the hint of a crescent moon.





External Influences - Attitudes about this situation from people around the querent.


The Emperor

The picture has the effect of being rather poor and harsh. The blue colours represent coolness, but due to the red and yellow one can sense a certain energy, which also appears in Aries' head at the corner of the throne, connected astrologically with the Emperor.

The card's number four, which also represents the element earth, can be found in the house in the square of rocks and the crown also shows four spikes and four stones. Further symbols of the Emperor are an orb (symbol of world dominion) and a form of sceptre (symbol of materialism in life).





Suggestion - The recommended course of action.


The Devil

The colours black and white show the limits of a polarity, a disconnection, which cannot be outdone. The subconscious has no connection with the conscious. The burning fire points to the fact that the devil is linked with pain and torture.

The five-pointed star is upside down. The goat's horns are pointing downwards; classical symbols of the devil. The square oven symbolises the dependence on material things. Two clenched fists are chained together. Each can free the other whereby freeing itself, but only if it is brave enough to take the key from the fire. For this it has to open its hand.





The Outcome - What will happen if the suggestion is followed.


The Empress

The illustration represents growth, nature and fertility. One can see certain fruits, including two pomegranates (fertility). The ears of corn represent the Empress' secret crown. The apple is in the shape of a heart. The three fish in the water symbolise feelings and emotionalism, as well as the Empress' figure three.

The illusion of a bowl, in which the fruit is lying, can be connected with conception, the uterus and with pregnancy. The trees present slow growth. The Empress is holding her sceptre in her left hand.