Secret of the High Priestess Spread

Secret of the High Priestess



Difficulty: Average

This spread makes a nice alternative to the Celtic Cross, which covers basically the same ground. It is useful when a question doesn't quite call for the Ankh spread. This tarot spread is helpful for looking into a current trend. The High Priestess may or may not present a mysterious secret to be analysed after the rest of the spread.

1. & 2. Main impulses representing the topic at hand. They may compliment or oppose one another.

3. This is the current influence at this time.

5. The Waning Moon is the influence that is moving into the past.

4. The Waxing Moon indicates what is on the horizon, or the approaching influence. This is the immediate future.

7. The Light is what is clearly recognized, consciously.

6. The Dark indicates what is there but not fully perceived, though noticed on a deeper level of consciousness.

8. The Next Step is the near future, where this journey leads.

9. The final tarot card, only if it happens to be of the Major Arcana, reveals the Secret of the High Priestess. This is a special message that should be given added weight.









Your Secret of the High Priestess Reading

The Waxing Moon

Ten of Cups
The Full Moon

Four of Stakes
The Waning Moon

XIV. Temperance
  Significator #1

XIX. The Sun
Significator #2

III. The Empress
The Dark

Five of Stakes
The Secret of the High Priestess

IX. The Hermit
The Light

Eight of Pentagrams
  The Next Step

Ace of Pentagrams




Significator #1 


XIX. The Sun

The Sun features a radiant figure standing atop a stone altar, their outstretched arms ablaze with golden light. Behind them, a massive blood-red sun dominates the sky, casting warm, revitalizing rays over a once-shadowed landscape. Sunflowers bloom vibrantly in the foreground, representing vitality and joy. A golden wolf stands beside the figure, symbolizing loyalty and enlightenment.

The Sun represents joy, success, and clarity. It heralds a period of positivity, growth, and accomplishment, reminding you to embrace life with enthusiasm and gratitude. This card suggests that challenges are behind you, and a brighter path lies ahead.

Reversed, the Sun may indicate temporary setbacks, self-doubt, or overconfidence. It suggests the need to find balance and reconnect with your inner light.

Reversed: Setbacks, doubt, overconfidence, lack of clarity, diminished enthusiasm.



Significator #2 


III. The Empress

The Empress sits upon her throne, her presence commanding yet nurturing. She holds the Hand of Glory, a macabre artifact symbolizing her power to claim whatever she desires. Her surroundings are lush and fertile, with dark roses blooming amidst the decay—symbols of beauty and abundance arising from even the grimmest conditions. Her expression is one of calm authority, radiating life-giving energy.

The Empress represents creation, fertility, and the nurturing aspects of life. She signifies abundance and the ability to bring ideas, projects, or relationships to fruition. This card invites you to connect with your creative or maternal instincts and embrace the cycles of growth and renewal. It may also point to emotional or physical abundance and a celebration of life's pleasures.

Upright: Fertility, abundance, creation, nurturing, beauty, growth, motherhood, diplomacy.



The Waning Moon is the influence that you are putting behind you, as it moves into the past. 


XIV. Temperance

Temperance is represented by a vampiric figure gracefully pouring a stream of crimson liquid from one chalice into another, symbolizing balance and harmony. She stands with one foot in a dark pool and the other on solid ground, representing the interplay between emotion and reason. Her wings are half-feathered, half-batlike, indicating the union of opposing forces. The background shifts between twilight and dawn, underscoring equilibrium.

Temperance embodies balance, moderation, and the harmonious blending of opposites. It encourages patience and the careful integration of different aspects of your life. This card often suggests the need for self-restraint, collaboration, or finding common ground in a situation.

Reversed, Temperance warns of excess, discord, or impatience. It may indicate a lack of balance or difficulty reconciling conflicting priorities or emotions.

Reversed: Excess, imbalance, discord, impatience, extremes, lack of focus.




The Full Moon is the current influence at this time. 


Four of Stakes

A nude figure hangs suspended mid-air by four bloody stakes. This haunting tableau evokes themes of rest, stability, and a grim sense of harmony. The stakes form a secure structure, suggesting that even amidst horror, there can be moments of peace and reprieve.

The Four of Stakes symbolizes a haven or moment of stability amidst chaos. It represents harmony, home, and the celebration of achieved milestones. This card is a reminder to cherish moments of peace and recognize the beauty in completion. It signifies prosperity and contentment within your personal or professional life.

Reversed, the card takes on a lighter tone, suggesting ongoing prosperity, embellishment, or safety in unconventional ways.

Reversed: Prosperity, unconventional success, safety, security.











The Waxing Moon indicates what is on the horizon; the approaching influence. 


Ten of Cups

Ten used cups sit in storage, while a skull watches over them. The imagery suggests a sense of completion, fulfillment, and the closing of a chapter, but also a reminder that all things come to an end.

The Ten of Cups represents emotional fulfillment, contentment, and happiness in relationships. It is the ultimate expression of emotional satisfaction, often symbolizing harmony in family life, long-lasting love, or the completion of an emotional journey. It suggests a sense of peace and joy, where all emotions align, and dreams come true.

Upright: Emotional fulfillment, harmony, happiness, peace, contentment, family unity.



The Light is what is clearly recognized. 


Eight of Pentagrams

An exotic dancer adorned in pentagrams performs, her act representing craftsmanship and skill. She embodies the dedication to her craft, with a focus on discipline and mastery.

The Eight of Pentagrams speaks to hard work, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of excellence. It suggests a time of preparation and dedication to one's skills. Whether in a professional or personal capacity, this card encourages you to continue honing your abilities and remain committed to your goals.

Reversed, it may indicate unfulfilled ambition, vanity, or the exploitation of one's skills for selfish gain. It warns against focusing on appearance over substance or engaging in unethical practices.

Reversed: Vanity, exploitation, unethical behavior, unfulfilled ambition.




The Dark shows what is there but not fully perceived, though it has been noticed on a deeper level of consciousness. 


Five of Stakes

A man trapped in a pit, impaled by five stakes, fights against overwhelming odds. The struggle is real and relentless, representing competition, ambition, and the challenges faced in the pursuit of success. His tattered state hints at the toll such pursuits can take on one's spirit.

The Five of Stakes represents conflict, rivalry, and the test of one's determination. It reflects the spirited competition and the drive to rise above challenges. While the fight may be strenuous, it also forges resilience and sharpens your focus. This card encourages perseverance despite obstacles.

Upright: Competition, rivalry, ambition, perseverance, resilience.




The Next Step is the near future, where this journey will take you. 


Ace of Pentagrams

A pentagram rests as an orb upon a sceptre, impaling a female vampire in the heart. This act is not one of violence, but of love—symbolizing a powerful force that connects creation and destruction. The pentagram, a symbol of power and balance, represents material beginnings, prosperity, and the strength that lies within one's creative or financial pursuits.

The Ace of Pentagrams signifies new beginnings in material or financial matters. It heralds prosperity, intelligent planning, and the initiation of creative projects. It may point to the birth of an idea that will grow into something tangible and successful. This card invites you to tap into your skills and resources to manifest your desires.

Reversed, it suggests the misuse of wealth or power, greed, or a potential downfall due to misplaced priorities. It may also indicate the beginning of something with promise, but fraught with challenges if handled improperly.

Reversed: Greed, misuse of power, unfulfilled potential, loss.




The Secret of the High Priestess - if, and only if, this card a Major Arcana, it reveals the Secret of the High Priestess. This is a special spiritual message that you should pay extra special attention to. If it is not a trump, the Priestess has revealed no secret. 


IX. The Hermit

The Hermit is depicted as an ancient vampire cloaked in tattered robes, holding a lantern that emits an eerie, bluish glow. He stands atop a desolate mountain peak, surrounded by swirling mist. The lantern's light reveals faint traces of hidden paths, while his posture suggests quiet contemplation. The darkness around him symbolizes isolation, while the light represents the wisdom gained through introspection.

The Hermit signifies solitude, introspection, and the search for deeper truths. He encourages stepping back from external distractions to seek clarity and wisdom within. This card often appears when you need time alone to reflect on your journey or make decisions based on your inner guidance. It may also indicate the guidance of a mentor or wise figure.

Reversed, the Hermit warns against excessive isolation, withdrawal, or fear of confronting the truth. It may suggest a refusal to seek or accept guidance when it's needed.

Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, avoidance, overthinking, fear of change, denial.