Celtic Cross Spread
Difficulty: Average
This is probably the most well-known tarot spread. A good, basic spread for beginners to practise with, the Celtic Cross is useful for questions of all types. In this spread, it can be helpful to notice the relationships between the pairings of cards #5 & #9, #1 & #2, #3 & #4, and #6 & #10.
- The significator epitomizes what the reading deals with, the initial situation.
- An added impulse that compounds the significator, which may be either complimentary or contradictory.
- This is what is consciously known (thoughts).
- Unconscious driving forces that may not be known fully (emotions).
- The immediate past regarding the current situation.
- The first future card indicates the immediate future.
- This card represents the reader and their attitude towards cards #1 and #2.
- The external influences, the places and people which influence the topic.
- This tarot card suggests expectations; what is secretly hoped for or feared.
- The second future card reveals the long-term outcome.
Your Celtic Cross Reading
The Crown |
The Outcome XI. Justice
External Forces Three of Cups
The Recent Past Six of Stakes |
The Crossing Card
The Future Nine of Stakes |
The Significator represents what the main theme of the reading deals with, the initial situation.
XVI. The Tower
The Tower is shown as a crumbling gothic spire, struck by lightning and engulfed in flames. Figures are seen falling from the heights, their faces contorted in shock and despair. The dark sky above swirls with storm clouds, while the ground below splits open, exposing molten lava. Amid the destruction, a single raven perches on the rubble, symbolizing the potential for renewal through upheaval.
The Tower represents sudden upheaval, revelation, and the breaking down of false structures. It signals a dramatic, often unexpected event that shakes the foundations of your life, forcing you to confront harsh truths. While challenging, this card ultimately clears the way for genuine growth and transformation.
Reversed, the Tower suggests avoiding necessary change or clinging to unstable circumstances. It may warn of delayed consequences or a refusal to face reality.
Reversed: Resistance, avoidance, delayed change, denial, suppressed upheaval, lingering instability.
The Crossing Card denotes an added impulse that compounds the initial card, whether complimentary or contradictory.
Page of Stakes
A zombified female vampire emerges from her slumber, her gaze hungry and purposeful. She represents curiosity, the thirst for knowledge, and the energy of youthful ambition. The dark tones hint at naivety and the dangers of unbridled enthusiasm.
The Page of Stakes embodies curiosity, enthusiasm, and the beginning of new ventures. This card encourages you to embrace your creativity and explore opportunities with an open mind. It may also signify a message or news that sparks inspiration.
Reversed, it warns of indecision, bad news, or anxiety about taking the next step. It may also represent immaturity or impulsive actions.
Reversed: Indecision, anxiety, bad news, impulsiveness, immaturity.
The Crown stands for what the asker is aware of consciously.
Knight of Swords
A pale Knight rides a dark horse at breakneck speed, his face etched with fear. It is not fear of the world, but fear of the destructive potential he knows lies within himself. The stormy skies around him reflect the chaos and intensity of his internal conflict.
The Knight of Swords represents swift action, bravery, and the pursuit of truth or justice. It signifies decisiveness, energy, and the willingness to confront challenges head-on. This card often appears during moments of intense effort or when boldness is required.
Reversed, the Knight of Swords suggests recklessness, impulsiveness, or the consequences of acting without a clear plan. It warns against self-destructive tendencies or overconfidence that leads to ruin.
Reversed: Recklessness, impulsiveness, self-destruction, lack of control, chaos.
Foundation card reveals unconscious driving forces that the querent may not be aware of.
Seven of Swords
A cunning thief is shown stealing five of seven swords, his movements calculated and deliberate. He takes only what he can carry, leaving just enough behind to avoid detection. This image portrays strategy, cleverness, and moral ambiguity, reflecting the complexity of navigating difficult situations.
The Seven of Swords represents strategy, cunning, and the courage to take calculated risks. It suggests that bold action may be necessary to achieve your goals, even if it challenges conventional ethics. The card also highlights the importance of discretion and planning in overcoming obstacles.
Upright: Strategy, cunning, cleverness, calculated risk, bravery, justified action.
The Recent Past represents past events and concerns.
Six of Stakes
A female cadaver, suspended by six stakes, serves as a macabre warning to all who pass. The stakes are arranged as a barrier, both defensive and triumphant, symbolizing victory achieved at a great cost. The ominous scene speaks of hard-won triumphs and the fulfillment of one's ambitions, albeit shadowed by loss.
The Six of Stakes signifies triumph and recognition. It represents a well-earned victory and the satisfaction of achieving goals through perseverance and hard work. This card heralds positive news and fulfillment of long-held desires. It also reminds you to remain humble and grateful in success.
Reversed, the Six warns of delays, paranoia, or feelings of insecurity despite external achievements. It can also point to betrayal or fear of losing one's position.
Upright: Victory, recognition, accomplishment, good news, fulfillment, hope.
Reversed: Delays, fear, betrayal, disloyalty, insecurity.
The Future depicts that which lies ahead.
Page of Stakes
A zombified female vampire emerges from her slumber, her gaze hungry and purposeful. She represents curiosity, the thirst for knowledge, and the energy of youthful ambition. The dark tones hint at naivety and the dangers of unbridled enthusiasm.
The Page of Stakes embodies curiosity, enthusiasm, and the beginning of new ventures. This card encourages you to embrace your creativity and explore opportunities with an open mind. It may also signify a message or news that sparks inspiration.
Reversed, it warns of indecision, bad news, or anxiety about taking the next step. It may also represent immaturity or impulsive actions.
Reversed: Indecision, anxiety, bad news, impulsiveness, immaturity.
The Querent represents the asker and their attitude towards the subject of the reading.
Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords stands tall, her gaze unwavering as she flaunts herself with calculated poise. Her demeanor combines sorrow and sharpness, reflecting wisdom earned through hardship. A single sword rests in her hand, pointed skyward, symbolizing clarity, truth, and intellect. The surrounding environment is barren yet serene, highlighting her emotional resilience and detachment.
The Queen of Swords represents intellect, independence, and clear judgment. She is a figure of sharp wit and decisive action, unafraid to make difficult choices. This card often symbolizes someone who has weathered emotional storms and now relies on logic and fairness to navigate life. It calls for honesty, objectivity, and discernment in your decisions.
Reversed, the Queen of Swords warns of malice, manipulation, or the misuse of intellect. It can indicate someone who is overly critical, cold, or deceitful. This card may also suggest clouded judgment or emotional imbalances affecting decision-making.
Reversed: Malice, manipulation, emotional imbalance, deceit, criticism, clouded thinking.
External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others.
Three of Cups
Two overturned cups are washed clean, and a third toppled cup spills its all-seeing contents. The imagery suggests the end of a cycle, with emotions spilling over, marking a time for reflection, conclusion, and understanding.
The Three of Cups signifies celebration, community, and emotional fulfillment. It represents joyous reunions, friendship, and collective happiness. This card often points to success in group efforts or the enjoyment of time spent with loved ones, signaling an end to struggles and a period of peace.
Reversed, it points to excessive indulgence, gossip, or a disconnection from others. It warns of an unhealthy focus on physical pleasures over emotional well-being.
Reversed: Excess, gossip, overindulgence, disconnection, unhealthy focus.
Hopes and Fears shows the expectations you have concerning the outcome of your question.
Ace of Stakes
A gruesome image of a wand protruding violently from a man's gory mouth speaks of an unsettling birth of new energy. The blood and horror in the scene hint at the raw, primal force of creation and the sometimes destructive nature of beginnings. The Ace of Stakes is imbued with potential and an uncontainable spark of energy, emphasizing both opportunity and the challenges of harnessing such power.
The Ace of Stakes represents the genesis of an idea, a bold new venture, or the start of a passionate endeavor. It speaks to raw energy, inspiration, and an awakening of latent talents. This card calls on you to seize opportunities with courage and creativity, even if they feel daunting or chaotic. It's a card of new beginnings, enterprise, and the ability to transform challenges into strengths.
Upright: Beginnings, creation, inspiration, enterprise, boldness, potential, energy.
The Outcomeof your question. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as an indicator of the path you are currently on, but not necessarily bound to.
XI. Justice
Justice is depicted as a pale, vampiric figure holding a pair of scales in one hand and a blood-stained sword in the other. One side of the scale holds a black feather, while the other holds a human heart, symbolizing the balance between moral accountability and emotional truth. Her blindfold is sheer, hinting at impartiality tempered with insight. Behind her, a blood-red curtain reveals fragmented mirrors reflecting distorted truths.
Justice embodies fairness, truth, and accountability. She calls for honesty and objectivity in your actions and decisions, ensuring that you consider all perspectives before rendering judgment. This card often signals the need to weigh your choices carefully and to take responsibility for the consequences of past actions.
Reversed, Justice suggests imbalance, dishonesty, or unfair treatment. It may indicate a refusal to acknowledge the truth or an avoidance of accountability for your actions.
Reversed: Dishonesty, unfairness, imbalance, corruption, denial of truth, avoidance.