Three-Card Spread

Three-Card Spread



Difficulty: Very easy

This simplistic chronological spread can be used to shed light on the influences that have passed, current influences, and what is approaching in the near future. Not much explanation is necessary for this simple tarot spread.









Your Three-Card Reading

The Past

Knight of Disks
The Present

The Emperor
The Future

8 of Cups – Indolence





The Past

Knight of Disks


The Knight of Disks rides the pale horse. His horse is in fact a unicorn, a symbol of Virgo. Bearing the sickle, he has come to reap the harvest. The shield radiates waves of energy that symbolise his connection with the sphere of earth. He is concerned primarily with material values.

Agricultural proficiency, skills regarding material concerns, perhaps preoccupied with material concerns and therefore dull.
When ill-dignified: a petty, jealous, small-minded man.





The Present

The Emperor


The king of the world represents power, authority, and male vitality. The ruler sitting on his throne bears the male symbols of earthly authority. The lamb at his feet represents not only the sheepishness of his servants, but the self-sacrifice required of a great leader.

Ambition, conquest, originality, leadership, stability, realisation, power, fortitude, powerful man, authority, conviction.
Ill-dignified: bad temper, counterproductive pride, rashness, even megalomania.












The Future

8 of Cups – Indolence

Saturn in Pisces

Eight cups stand on a bed of mud where the water receded. Dark clouds have rolled in to overcast the pale-yellow sky. Half of the cups have been spilled. This is the morning after.

Success abandoned, apathy, misery, transience, instability, a small victory. Sometimes means abandonment of materialistic pursuits in favour of the spiritual.