The Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread

Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Basically, there is the main pyramid in the centre, and two smaller pyramids on each side. One is inverted.

Positions 1 & 3 represent where the reader comes from, or what has made them/shaped them on the various levels. Can be from environment, upbringing, schooling, etc. A look at the past, but with more objectivity than is usually given when using tarot cards.

Positions 4 & 5 represent who the reader is right now. May or may not make pleasant reading, but hey, this is what this is about, right?

Position 6 represents who the reader could be. Again, it might or might not look good, but a person can learn from that and change who they are accordingly. (This is a bit like how Scrooge did things in 'A Christmas Carol'.)

Positions 7 & 8 are the reader's strengths. This is the light they have, which can be bought to the forefront. What carries the person should not be hidden or unacknowledged.

Position 9 represents what should be given to oneself or created within.

Position 10 & 11 represent personal areas for development or weaknesses. Again, might not make good reading, but if someone looks at their strengths first, they will be able to see a balance is there and can choose to focus on one side or the other. This is where a person could really see how their shadow side comes into play.

Position 12 represents what the reader should be offering externally, or what they can bring to their world or to others who inhabit that world.









Your Self-Actualization Pyramids Reading


Strength #1
Strength #2
Eye Exhibit
Nurture This
Infirmity #1
Infirmity #2
Now #1
  Now #2
Base (past) #1
  Base (past) #2
  Base (past) #3





1: Base #1

The Universe


The spider in the man's head is a reference to Leary's octave rhythms. The spider and web indicate man's nature to perceive and even weave his own reality. The web also indicates being trapped in our own perception of reality. It may also hint at the nature of the interaction between this and other universes.

The realisation of the whole matter. The essence of the query itself. Synthesis. Crystallisation. Could represent something extremely important.
When ill-dignified: A cruel world.




2: Base #2

The Wheel of Fortune


Who knows what the Wheel of Providence has in store for you? Deep down inside, you do.

Providence, fate, karma. A change in fortune, generally a good change.




3: Base #3

9 of Swords – Cruelty

Mars in Gemini

Nine rusty chipped blades dripping blood symbolise pain and suffering. There is probably a profound lack of empathy associated with this card, and if not that, definitely sadism or malice. Too much thinking has now progressed the matter into the realm of madness.

Suffering, pain, malice, loss, lies, despair, slander.
When well-dignified: obedience, patience, faithfulness, selflessness.










4: Where you are now #1

7 of Disks – Failure

Saturn in Taurus

Seven seals linked by the rainbow bridge descend enlightenment to the bull. Ignorant and arrogant, he blocks his own path. The darkness of his own delusions repels his gift from above, scattering the light.

Sloth, abandoned labour, hopes deceived, promises unfulfilled, disappointment. Great effort producing little gain.
When well-dignified: charity work for no profit, growth after delay.




5: Where you are now #2

Queen of Swords

2:00 – 4:00 Female

The Queen of Swords sits on the throne of heaven. The moon has eclipsed the sun, making for a strange overcast. The eclipse is a symbol of two that are one, a reference to the dual nature of Libra. The eclipse also represents her as a dominant female, overshadowing the male, and this is also apparent in her left hand. She represents clear perception and the pinnacle of thought. However, superficial attractiveness coupled with a lack of empathy makes her the most dangerous female in the deck.

A confident, gracious, just, perceptive, graceful, elegant woman.
When ill-dignified: A cruel, sly, deceitful, unreliable woman who uses charm as a weapon.




6: Your potential



A skull and crossbones present obvious symbolism here. Something coming to an end, a necessary transition into the next stage.

Transformation, change, transitional period leading to a new way. Loss of the status quo.




7: Strength #1

8 of Cups – Indolence

Saturn in Pisces

Eight cups stand on a bed of mud where the water receded. Dark clouds have rolled in to overcast the pale-yellow sky. Half of the cups have been spilled. This is the morning after.

Success abandoned, apathy, misery, transience, instability, a small victory. Sometimes means abandonment of materialistic pursuits in favour of the spiritual.




8: Strength #2

10 of Disks – Wealth

Mercury in Virgo

Coins of gold, silver, and copper fall to earth. The ten coins in the foreground form the tree of life, each with a symbol matching its particular sephiroth. The coins in the background represent the different pathways. This card represents something valuable.

Material prosperity. Completion of material building. Good health.
When ill-dignified: sloth, heaviness, dullness.




9: Nurture this

6 of Cups – Pleasure

Sun in Scorpio

Two hearts come together forming a unicursal hexagram. Four bunches of grapes symbolise that balance has been achieved.

Natural harmony, satisfaction, beginnings of steady increase, fond memories.
When ill-dignified: presumptuousness, vanity, lack of gratitude and respect.










10: Weakness #1

Knight of Wands


The Knight of Wands rides a white horse charging forward. The white horse symbolises the conscious side of awareness. It also symbolises the purity of fire, the vital energy and passion that boldly drives the organism. The Knight has his torch in his right hand and arrows on his back; bow and arrow being the weapon of Sagittarius.

A man of action, generosity, pride, and impetuousness.
When ill-dignified: A cruel, bigoted man without mercy.




11: Weakness #2

3 of Swords – Sorrow

Saturn in Libra

Two swords are crossed with a short sword connecting them into the form of a triangle. The upside-down pyramid symbolises a creation gone wrong. A deep storm is brewing in the background.

Melancholy, disruption, discord, delay, separation, trouble, remorse, rupture, dispersion, removal, division.
When well-dignified: faithfulness and honesty in love and commerce.



12: Behavior to exhibit

The Priestess

The Moon

The Priestess sits on her throne, queen of the heavens, the eternal virgin, and the counterpart of the Hierophant. She holds the keys to the feminine secrets of the universe.

Enthusiastic focus on the unconscious. A pure, exalted influence comes into play. The Priestess warns not to get too carried away.