The Golden Dawn or Thoth Method

Golden Dawn Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Note: Tarot decks that use reversed cards such as the Rider-Waite do not work well with this spread, which was designed to be read using elemental dignity.

The Golden Dawn spread is best suited for use with the bifrost Tarot and especially the Book of Thoth, as these decks are meant to be read a certain way with the court cards. Princes and queens represent actual men and women connected with the matter, while princesses generally represent ideas; thoughts or opinions, and knights represent arrival or departure of a matter depending on the direction faced.

In this tarot spread, particular attention should be paid to a card's exact position in relation to its neighbours. Whether the neighbour cards bear the same energy (suit) determines whether a card is considered well-dignified or ill-dignified. Opposite suits ill-dignify each other, while other suits are considered friendly. Tarot cards of the same suit or element strengthen each other.

As with other tarot spreads, it is important to count the cards' tendencies, such as whether there is a lot of one particular suit or number pattern. The patterns reveal special messages. Having several majors present indicates higher forces at work, several cups suggest strong emotions, etc.

Card #1 represents the reader and the nature of the topic at hand.

Cards #2 & #3 are read in extension of #1 to further comprehend the nature of the topic.

The two sets of three tarot cards at the top of the spread represent chronological sets of events. The current path as it would unfold naturally is represented by cards #4, #8, & #12. The alternate path that could be taken is represented by cards #13, #9, & #5. However, if the reader gets the feeling these cards are telling them they go together, then the alternate path is to be considered an extension of the current path, and to be read chronologically in this order: #4, #8, #12, #13, #9, #5. Just keep in mind: this is only if the two paths seem particularly similar.

Cards #14, #10, & #6 shed light upon the psychological undertones of the current issue.

Cards #7, #11, & #15 represent the influences of karma and destiny beyond the reader's control. These cards suggest adapting to this, as fate.









Your Golden Dawn Reading


The Alternate Path
(or Extension of Current Path)
  Your Current Path


9 of Wands – Great Strength

Princess of Swords

7 of Wands – Valour

The Star
    The Querent    
The Universe

3 of Swords – Sorrow                 

8 of Disks – Prudence
The Psychological Basis   Karma

Queen of Swords

The Wheel of Fortune

5 of Swords – Defeat
The Emperor

The Chariot





The Querent

cards represent the querent and the nature of the topic at hand. The first card (in the center of the spread) represents the very core of the matter, and the other two cards around it are added to it in order to further comprehend the nature of the topic.



3 of Swords – Sorrow

Saturn in Libra

Two swords are crossed with a short sword connecting them into the form of a triangle. The upside-down pyramid symbolises a creation gone wrong. A deep storm is brewing in the background.

Melancholy, disruption, discord, delay, separation, trouble, remorse, rupture, dispersion, removal, division.
When well-dignified: faithfulness and honesty in love and commerce.




The Universe


The spider in the man's head is a reference to Leary's octave rhythms. The spider and web indicate man's nature to perceive and even weave his own reality. The web also indicates being trapped in our own perception of reality. It may also hint at the nature of the interaction between this and other universes.

The realisation of the whole matter. The essence of the query itself. Synthesis. Crystallisation. Could represent something extremely important.
When ill-dignified: A cruel world.




8 of Disks – Prudence

Sun in Virgo

This card is about the virtue of patience, or taking things in their proper times. Eight clocks are hung from Jacob's Ladder. With effort dreams will be attainable. Remember: one step at a time.

Industriousness, agriculture, building, construction, intelligence in material affairs.
When ill-dignified: too much care spent on details at the expense of the big picture.











Your Current Path

cards represent your current path as it would unfold naturally. These cards are read in chronological order from left to right.






Judgement is reserved for god. The Guardian Angel blows his trumpet. He has been sent to judge the man. This is true Judgement, all else is mere opinion. The earthling sheds all his earthly coverings and comes to naked truth. He has been X'ed out of this world. The wolf lies with the lamb.

Always means taking a new step. Leaving the past behind.




7 of Wands – Valour

Mars in Leo

This card shows an uphill battle. The snake-rods have come alive. Six of them are doing battle against one.
The central snake however is the strongest, as god is with him.

Struggles, obstacles, difficulties met with courage. Small victories.
When ill-dignified: quarrelling.




The Star


Everyone is a Star. This card suggests using your talents.

Clear vision, spiritual insight, hope, charity.
When ill-dignified: error in judgement, disillusion, delusions, lack of understanding.




The Alternate Path

cards represent the alternate path that you could choose to take in lieu of the Current Path. However, if the cards that come up seem to indicate that they go along with the Current Path, these three cards should be interpretted not as an Alternate Path, but as a chronological extension of the Current Path (also read from left to right).






Temperance or Alchemy. Creation by way of the marriage of opposites. You are what you create. An androgenous figure stirs the pot. The unity of opposite alchemical symbols (lion + eagle) has produced alchemical GOLD.

Realisation of objectives and goals. Successful combination of energies. A string of successful magickal manoeuvres culminating in solidification. Calculated action. Management.




9 of Wands – Great Strength

Moon in Sagittarius

Great Strength. Eight arrows have been collected and are now under the authority of a headmaster arrow. They have been completed by this arrangement and the addition of the moon-heads. The driving force that empowers them is the sun.

Great strength, tremendous force, power, competition, warrior spirit, focused rage. Change is stability.




Princess of Swords

A young slender female has come down the mountain. The air symbols of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are all there in this card. The clouds indicate a storm front. Of the three men symbolising her thoughts, she has already killed one. She holds the middle one at bay as the other begs for his life. She may be wise in the ways of evil, but to do good she has no knowledge.

An aggressive, vengeful young lady of destructive logic, subtle, wise, and dexterous in practical affairs. This card also represents ruling out bad ideas.











The Psychological Basis

cards shed light upon the psychological undertones of the current problem.




Queen of Swords

2:00 – 4:00 Female

The Queen of Swords sits on the throne of heaven. The moon has eclipsed the sun, making for a strange overcast. The eclipse is a symbol of two that are one, a reference to the dual nature of Libra. The eclipse also represents her as a dominant female, overshadowing the male, and this is also apparent in her left hand. She represents clear perception and the pinnacle of thought. However, superficial attractiveness coupled with a lack of empathy makes her the most dangerous female in the deck.

A confident, gracious, just, perceptive, graceful, elegant woman.
When ill-dignified: A cruel, sly, deceitful, unreliable woman who uses charm as a weapon.




The Wheel of Fortune


Who knows what the Wheel of Providence has in store for you? Deep down inside, you do.

Providence, fate, karma. A change in fortune, generally a good change.



5 of Swords – Defeat

Venus in Aquarius

The pale blue background of this card symbolises airy weakness. A chipped sword attempts to battle four bent swords in the shape of a pentagram. A hopeless struggle, this solitary sword is the weakest of the five.

Weakness, loss, spite, malice, trouble, dishonour, degradation, infamy, revocation, loss, humiliation, anxiety. A driver of wedges.





These cards represent the influences of karma and destiny that are beyond your control. They suggest adapting to this fate.




The Emperor


The king of the world represents power, authority, and male vitality. The ruler sitting on his throne bears the male symbols of earthly authority. The lamb at his feet represents not only the sheepishness of his servants, but the self-sacrifice required of a great leader.

Ambition, conquest, originality, leadership, stability, realisation, power, fortitude, powerful man, authority, conviction.
Ill-dignified: bad temper, counterproductive pride, rashness, even megalomania.




The Chariot


Your soul is like the driver and your body is the vehicle for your personal exploration of the universe.

The charioteer is a link in a chain of command. Exploration of the universe, obedience, hope, triumph.
When ill-dignified: status-quo maintenance muscle.






Justice. Balance is achieved through adaptation. You may need to take a look at the book.

Justice, balance, equilibrium. A pause in the action to achieve balance.