Game Plan Spread

Game Plan Spread



Difficulty: Easy

When a person has a certain plan in mind, this simple five-card spread presents a choice, hinting at what action or attitude should be taken for their plan to succeed, and what should be avoided to help the plan work out for the best.

The initial card is laid in the centre of the layout, the significator. The following four cards are laid out clockwise around the significator.

In this spread, the second card is about what drives the reader, but also says they are not fully conscious of this, perhaps even completely unaware of it. It provides a hint as to the reason they strive for their goal.

The third card uncovers what others think of the reader and their goals. The reader may or may not be aware of this. Sometimes other people factor into the plans (and sometimes they don't).

The fourth card suggests what not to do. If things are permitted to go down this path, the plan will collapse.

The fifth card is a hint as to how to make this plan work out favourably. The idea this card presents should be followed to make the plan successful. It is the differences between Cards #4 & #5 that should be noted, as the differences provide important clues.









Your Game Plan Reading

Unconscious Drive

10 of Disks – Wealth
  External Influences

4 of Swords – Truce

The Fool
How it Will Succeed

2 of Cups – Love
  How it Will Not Succeed

Ace of Swords





The Fool


The Fool represents a childlike attitude and awareness, his eyes now open to a new world. A limited awareness at this point in the journey makes for awe and adventure. Beginner's luck. An umbrella shelters his awareness.

Impulsive child-like behaviour.
Ill-dignified: folly, extravagance, frenzy, delirium, intoxication.





10 of Disks – Wealth

Mercury in Virgo

Coins of gold, silver, and copper fall to earth. The ten coins in the foreground form the tree of life, each with a symbol matching its particular sephiroth. The coins in the background represent the different pathways. This card represents something valuable.

Material prosperity. Completion of material building. Good health.
When ill-dignified: sloth, heaviness, dullness.





4 of Swords – Truce

Jupiter in Libra

Four swords come together in union. The square formed in the centre is a white flag. This card represents reconciliation. The Process.

Recovery from a period of trouble. An oasis. Authority in the realm of intellect. Establishment of dogma.












Ace of Swords

The Root of Air

The initial embodiment of the spirit of air is the bearer of light. The sword penetrates the crown of Kether. In the background ten rays pour out of the spiritual sun, indicating the full potential contained within the seed of the Ace. The beginning of a new way of thinking.

Invoked force, conquest, strength through tribulation, triumph of force. A spiritual understanding with heaven.





2 of Cups – Love

Venus in Cancer

One heart fills both the gold and silver cups. Two vessels bound by one soul are the perfect match.

Perfect harmony between male and female radiates warmth and ecstasy. Love, union, friendship, warmth, comfort, passion, affinity, intercourse.