Blind Spot Spread

Blind Spot Spread



Difficulty: Varies

This tarot spread is used to enhance self-awareness. Questions about learning something about oneself or things that are hidden work very well with this tarot spread, although no question is necessary.

  1. This tarot card displays the obvious identity, the part of oneself that is consciously known and projected to others.
  2. This card indicates unconscious driving forces that neither the reader nor others are aware of about them, the great unknown. Nobody knows what this tarot card means, at least not yet...
  3. The part of oneself that is concealed, to keep others from discovering, is apparent in this card.
  4. This is the Blind Spot. This is what was asked about, that which this reading should bring awareness of. The reader may wish to pay close attention to these mannerisms.









Your Blind Spot Reading

What you know What you don't know
What others know
The Chariot

The Priestess
What others don't know
The Tower

The Universe





This card displays your obvious identity, the part of you that everyone knows.

The Chariot


Your soul is like the driver and your body is the vehicle for your personal exploration of the universe.

The charioteer is a link in a chain of command. Exploration of the universe, obedience, hope, triumph.
When ill-dignified: status-quo maintenance muscle.





This card shows unconscious driving forces that neither you nor your company is aware of about you. This is the Great Unknown.

The Universe


The spider in the man's head is a reference to Leary's octave rhythms. The spider and web indicate man's nature to perceive and even weave his own reality. The web also indicates being trapped in our own perception of reality. It may also hint at the nature of the interaction between this and other universes.

The realisation of the whole matter. The essence of the query itself. Synthesis. Crystallisation. Could represent something extremely important.
When ill-dignified: A cruel world.





The secrets you keep from others are shown by this card.

The Tower


This is the dark side of The Magus; the lower self. The Demiurge has come out to play. Many are struck down on their quest to the top. Only the chosen one can climb the stairway to heaven. He must first acquire the proper understandings and tools or his climb will certainly be disastrous. Now is the time to use what you've been building up inside. Often a card of war.

Danger, destruction, quarrel, combat, ambition. Escape from prison. Rise to the top at the expense of others.












This is your Blind Spot. This is what you asked about – what you wished to be made aware of by this reading.

The Priestess

The Moon

The Priestess sits on her throne, queen of the heavens, the eternal virgin, and the counterpart of the Hierophant. She holds the keys to the feminine secrets of the universe.

Enthusiastic focus on the unconscious. A pure, exalted influence comes into play. The Priestess warns not to get too carried away.